Saturday, September 14, 2013

Well Well Well, What have we got here?

I woke up bright and early this morning did the whole long arm stretch deep waking breath , even a little smile because it was super bring in our bedroom... and then I looked at the clock. 8:23... C'OM ON! I tip toed out of bed as to not wake sleeping beauty next to me. I was able to get back in bed and snuggle in before he cleared his throat. I know this means hes awake, then realized at 9 am College GameDay is on.. UGH! I mean isn't it bad enough that we lose our husbands,fiances, boyfriends all afternoon on Saturday you have to ruin the morning too. I just don't agree with Football and Coffee.

As much as I find this annoying I couldn't love B anymore than I do when he jumps out of bed and runs to the living room like a kid on Christmas because its time for GameDay. I was sitting here thinking well what am I going to do with myself and it hit me.. Well maybe a little bloggity blog entry would be amazeballs. 

Its been a while since I've had an entry and that is because we have had a lot going on. Between working too much and moving I have not had the energy to do ANYTHING else besides lounge around. But how about a wedding planning update?

We have officially set our wedding date and I am so excited for it I will be a wife on October 24, 2015. I made our wedding website too that is what I spent last week doing! we made sure everyone would be our sidekicks before we confirmed them on the internet because you know they cant put anything on the internet that isn't true!

And we have planned to get our engagement pictures taken! I cant wait I am so excited. One of our friends are going to take them for us because photographers charge WAY too much and you get like 10 pictures for $250.00. Its pretty much insane, so I will be making props for the session which means there will be a craft blog FINALLY!!! 

Well I am going to see if there is any breakfast and or coffee made. Happy Saturday everyone I hope it wont be so long between posts next time!

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