Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Magoo is Four....

.... I knew that the time would go fast. I just didn't realize it would go SO fast.

They always tell you don't blink because next thing you know they will be in school, then graduating, then married. Stop! I cant even get that far ahead it makes me cry like a baby to think of my Magoo growing up.

Its been 4 years but I remember everything about that day (that I can remember) like it just happened. The devastating part is I have vague memories of his actual birth. It absolutely breaks my heart. But I remember hearing that little cry for the first time. It brings tears to my eyes every time I think of it. So sweet and he has not changed at all. He is such a little love, he loves to help out with EVERYTHING and is getting so independent. He wants to do it all, loves to help his daddy on the grill, help me do the dished and loves to sing and dance for his sister.

Last night I tucked in a 3 year old, before we went to bed at 130am Bret and I stood in his room looking at him. He was 4, that quickly our little toddler became a big boy. We tucked him in kissed his head and then went to sleep. This morning Chipmunk and I sang "Happy Birthday" to wake him up.  We sang it on the way to school, and everyone who knows him told him happy birthday today. This kid touches lives every day, so today we celebrate wonderful, wonderful Magoo.

We are honored to be your parents, and sister. We want to wish you the very happiest 4th birthday Magoober! Tonight we will read "On the Night You Were Born" and tuck you in and reminisce on that miraculous night 4 years ago when you changed my world.

I love you very much!

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