Thursday, April 18, 2013

Wedding Wednesday... on thursday??

Hello Ladies (and gentlemen)!

Sorry Gents this one is geared towards the ladies--

Let me start this whole thing by saying this is the most fun I have had getting things ready for my wedding, everyone says planning is fun but I never thought it would be as much fun as it is, However we haven't even gotten into serious planning yet... Mkay! Moving on...

I decided I wanted to do a weekly must post blog entry... and that is Wedding Wednesday (even though today is Thursday... deal with it ;) )! We aren't planning on getting married for at least 2 years give or take depending on a few things. So I thought it would be a good place to just talk about WEDDINGS. What lady doesn't enjoy talking about and obsessing over weddings? That's right ALMOST every girl I know will talk about weddings.

Weddings are fun that's why!

So I decided to start the first Wedding Wednesday on Thursday with the start of my wedding planning binder! It absolutely is a work in progress. There are things that I need to print out, and I want to get some more fun girly things to write and fill out the sheets with.. but here is what we have so far
You are being warned NOW, there are a good handful of pictures!

I still have some work to do on the binder itself- I am going to print something out for the front of the binder. But we have to setup the printer and that is a task. ha!

 Pictures: starting from big and then going right to left
1.) The binder- before I personalize it
2.) 2'' binder
3.) Inside- Three hole punch, and dividers
4.) The dividers are all pretty and girly
5.) Space for notes
6.) Pockets to hold any receipts, cards, memos that kind of stuff

In the binder I have:

Our book for registering (had to talk Mr. B out of registering too early. Yes ladies I have that groom that is INTO planning the wedding.. what!!)

Tons and I mean TONS of wedding invitation samples... ( I have decided to make our invitations and save the dates. but free samples are always fun right!)

inviations from:

So, that is all we have so far, I also have a spread sheet from excel, and TONS of pins on Pinterest (follow me )! Welp I guess that will do it for Wedding Wednesday on Thursday! I cant wait to have more to post!

Off to scan Pinterest and the internet for Wedding inspiration!

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