Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Double Whammy!

         So I know what all one of my followers is thinking, well damn its been a while since there has been a new post, whats going on?! Well lovely's I will tell you. Besides from the usual Monday thru Friday bologna, not a whole lot. But there is a little bit to catch up on. 

The last I had an entry was like I don't even know 2 weeks ago something cray like that.. this past weekend was pretty big one. We had our second anniversary. B got me a purple Orchid, and I got him a FSU coffee mug. We are gonna do bigger gifts later in the year but we still wanted something small for each other.

We did the Pinterest idea where you take a picture on your anniversary holding the picture from the past year. Daww its cute... anyway

Then we went to dinner and a movie. Very low key anniversary but I'm okay with that. We also got a free dessert because it was our anniversary. We dont need anything fancy we are pretty low key.
Saturday we did some yard work I worked a little bit and sunday was an adventure. It was also Easter

First we did breakfast, it was good eggs juice fruit nothing like back in the day with church and brunch but its okay. While B and I were chopping up celery and onion for my pasta salad we heard him being bellowed for. So we went to see what was wrong.. and there was a FROG in the house. How the damn thing got in here we dont know. So B vs Frog ensued.. B WON

We decided to spend our Easter afternoon by the pool, I finally am starting to get a base tan and it only took me about 3 hours I am looking forward to many more days by the pool and on the beach!

I mean after all I do live where you vacation!

Off to work on my Tan lines...

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