Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Did you ever wish....

Did you ever wish that there was a quick fix for a lot of things? I wish I had a way to inherit some money. Ha I know that is pretty much impossible with out having a millionaire grandparent or something like that. There are so many things that we want to do but the fact that we aren't financially able to do them sucks so bad! For instance I need a *new to me car*. And i actually mean that I need it. I am very lucky that I have a job. Its a perk that I can work from home. But the major downside is that I NEVER leave the house. I love my fiance but I HATE relying on him all the time. I miss the ability to just run to the store and not have to wait for him to come home, and if hes tired then chances are we aren't running to the store. Its that one piece of independence that I am dying to get back. The only thing is we dont have the funds. we are saving for a wedding, a car, an apartment.

I wish there was a way to make money on the side. I have thought about being a scentsy consultant but I dont know that many people that would buy. I'm sure I have a handful of people that would but lets be honest how many would keep coming back? But I think its something I am going to do, Even if its just a few bucks in the bank, every little bit helps. 

I'm just not one of those people that can catch a break. There is ALWAYS something stopping me from getting ahead. Its ALWAYS something. 

This is NOT a poor me pity me blog in any way, its a vent blog about the things that are bugging the crap out of me. Im tired of not having a car, and not being able to just go to the store if I want to. 

Hoping to have a craft blog SOON, but well we shall see what I craft.

Time to get chugging

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  1. what happened to the ilovelucy-mobile?

  2. We sold the celica when I got the infiniti and we just sold the infiniti because the transmission was going so the guy that bought it was gonna fix it up.
