Friday, March 8, 2013

Gettin in the groove

OMG has it been long enough since I blogged?

Well right now I'm sitting in our room, watching HIMYM with my Fiance and fighting a super dooper migraine... The move went A LOT better then i was expecting.. nothing was broken, we didn't fight and we all still like each other lol. we are already getting into a new routine with B's new schedule. so thats awesome, those late nights were terrible. There hasnt been much other then the fact that we are gettin in our groove besides the fact that it was B's big ole birthday! Hims a old man now he turned 24! I got him a balloon, and a mushy lovey dovey card. We are doing a little celebration for him and his twin on Sunday. 

I am so excited to go to the beach, I have been missing the beach. Its been too long. almost a year. so totally not okay.

There really isn't anything else going on, super short entry this Friday night. 

Sooo I will talk to you all sometime Monday and do a weekend wrap-up

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