Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moving sucks!

I think we can all agree here that moving sucks soooo bad! It sucks even more when you have to wait 2.5 days until you can unpack your moving truck because you cant leave the town your in because of work. And even more than all that. it sucks knowing that everything you own aside from clothes will be in a storage unit until further notice. Positive things  the fact that we are getting out of a town we dislike and going to a town that we have our people in. There is no part of moving that is fun at all. Unless you get to buy all new things for your house, or wherever you are moving too. But I don't have that luxury for 2 reasons, its not our house and we cant afford all that... (Ain't nobody got time for that). We have strarted our moving process and so far it is a 2 day project started yesterday, continued today and finished this weekend. Why cant moving companies be less expensive so that I can hire someone to do it for me. I do not enjoy this kinda thing. I like unpacking and putting everything in its new home. The end. lol

Oh and the exhaustion sucks so bad too, gotta get up all extra early. thennnn gotta beat the living hell out of your body until further notice. Its just terrible. But we are surviving it! 

I just wanted to stop by and leave a little note that so far B and I have not fought, broken up, or said we hated each other. LOL

hope you are all doing fantabulous! 

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