Monday, February 18, 2013

I thought it would be easier

You know, I thought blogging would be easier. It always seemed to be a simple thing to do. Think of something witty  clever or interesting and write it down, people read it and then follow to see what you'll come up with next. Its really not that easy. I'm sitting here, supposed to be working, and helping my fiance pack up our house so that we can move next Friday and the only thing I can think of is how I thought the idea of blogging was easy. I wasn't looking to do this for money or partnership or anything like that. But when you read other people's blogs and see what they have to say, then return to your own and see how not up to par AT ALL it is. Man oh man is that a blow to your ego.

 This isn't a ploy to get more viewers because I don't think anyone reads this silly thing. But If anyone does read it, leave me a comment on some suggestions to blog. Once we start really planning the wedding I will blog more about how that process is going, when i start cna and phlebotomy school I will blog about how that is going, and I will blog about crafts that I make. But right now none of that is happening in my life. The crafting is on hold because we are moving, and the schools are in the town we are moving too. Maybe I can blog about pas crafts I have completed. Who knows I just don't know what exactly I should blog about. Maybe the next one will be full of wisdom because we all can tell this entry is lacking... ha!

More soon
Thanks to anyone that reads this, I do appreciate it!

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  1. we're going back to the city your dad lives in... I don't wanna put that kinda thing out on the internet ha
