Friday, February 15, 2013

A Lot to do, and NO time to do it!!

So Hey!

I just wanted to stop on by and say hello to the maybe 3 people that read this besides myself.. haha There are about a million things happening at the current moment and NOT a lot of time to get these things done. For starters we are moving! yay, cheer, start the band music. We can't get out of this god forsaken town fast enough. My cherub like demeanor cant handle this damn place anymore! We will be around friends and family. I already have a girls night planned. This is one place I didn't want to move to but did for love.. (dawwwwww) That being said we now have to start packing our house/condo/dwelling/ cave/what have you  oh and we are leaving town in ... drum roll please....14 days! yes that is 2 weeks! Are you kidding me I mean that will give us more time to get things packed. the fact that there will be 2 of us packing this time and B is REALLY good about getting things done for me when I am working during the day. So that is a MAJOR help. We got the boxes today because we can get to the boxes we have because our dickhead  super busy landlord hasn't gotten over here to give us what he thinks is the spare key to the storage shed room closet thing. 

So while we are waiting to get the hell out and never look back move down south if I am not working, and having an anxiety attack because of what we are dealing with house/living wise I am browsing on YouTube and this hilarious website called GrruGossip. This website is a joke, I very much disagree with what these people have to say about only one mother on there. The one that I watch and enjoy seeing her videos they talk smack about I am not a part of the site I just lurk or troll or what ever the hell its called now a days. But The other two women that they bash that I watch I have to agree with 99.9% of what they say. I actually find  myself watching their videos and then going on the website to see if the things that annoy me annoy the other people that watch them. Its becoming a new routine. haha!

While I am on the subject of surfing the internet the other new site that I have become a frequent visitor of is... The Knot! and that would be because we are ENGAGED!!! It happened the 10th of February. I still cant believe that we are engaged, It feels like a joke. ha. B did the honorable thing and called my mom and step dad for their blessing and then when we were talking to my dad he asked him too but at that point we were already engaged. And the way it happened is totally us too. So we went out to lunch and when we came home B said there was something upstairs for me. Now I being the blonde at heart that I am I was like uh how we just got home. So I made B come with me because I didnt know what I was looking for but he told me when I saw it I would know. So we played the Hot/Cold/Hide-n-seek I asked if it was everywhere, In the closet, under the mattress, Under the bed, in his pillow, in my dresser in the bookcase, in his dresser. His response "I dont know look for it". So I went through his drawers and when I found it I squeeled because I knew what it was. He took me by the hand,( took off my promise ring) and said " You are my best friend, I love you for all your forms. You make me the happiest man in the world, *got on one knee* CAL(said my full name) Will you marry me?" And of course I  was like "OMG WHAT YESSS!!!!" Then when he told me my mom said she would be honored if he was her son in law I lost it.  So thats when it became FBO ( facebook official). We are planning for a longer engagement, so that we can save some money. Im okay with that, there is no rush to get married. We want to enjoy being engaged for a while. 

Heres the picture of the ring

So thats what has been goin on with us. Lots of wedding, moving, changing talk goin on. And while it is crazy and wild, Its my life and I wouldnt change it for the world!

Talk to you all soon


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