Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up!

OMG its already Monday!! 

I'm so sorry its been a good few days since I have blogged! Things are getting CRAZAYYYY around here. We have just about our whole house packed! (insert hallelujah choir here) we only have the bathrooms and pantry in the kitchen to finish and the house is packed. I cant believe how much we had/have and that it seems like there are so few boxes. 

That was how our weekend started. With packing which is friggin awesome. my closet has been taken over by boxes and suitcases full of space bags and clothes! and I literally have enough shoes to fill a LARGE box.. who really needs that many shoes. and to top it all off. I dont wear most of them. They are for if and when we need to get all fancy schmacy so they got to stay! so HA i win! 

After taking a break from bowling we went to a Cuban restaurant called GORDOS they have THE best sauce for their sammiches. I want the recipe for it.. haha 
We went bowling with our friends on Saturday and the first lane we got was broken. It wouldn't let anyone but B bowl and it wasn't keeping score it was bad news bears from the beginning. So then we got switched to a new lane. But in the meantime we were told that when we were done to go up to the counter and we would get free games. Lets face it. We are NOT the best bowlers I think I broke a 60 ha! The guys did pretty good but is girls didn't get over a 70. But spending a rainy Saturday night bowling with good friends trumps sitting at home stressing over what we need to do. Anywho moving on, after we got done bowling K and I went up and got our free games which was friggin sweet! and the perfect end to a night is Olive Garden!
Then sunday was more packing followed by the Oscars, and INSOMNIA! I literally went to sleep at 10:30 this MORNING! It was insane!

But that is our weekend wrap up. Im sorry I havent been updating but this week is gonna be rough one for me to update considering we are moving and what not the 27-1 I frickin hate moving!

Gonna try to get a good nights sleep tonight!

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