Sunday, January 27, 2013

A lazy Sunday message....

So Its a sunny Sunny is super northern Florida, and the more I look at Facebook, Twitter, pinterest etc etc etc, it amazes me how many people these days have kids. I mean people that I would put money down that they wouldn't have kids before they got married have 3 year olds. Its just so crazy to think how wrong we can be about people. Because as often as people say "Oh well people change" No they don't. Things change, places change, but people... they are the same always. It just something I am coming to realize,

I have friends that I have known for years and some of us have gone on different paths. Its not because either of us have "changed" its because we have realized the things that we really do have in common and the things we really don't have in common. So what does the sudden realization mean?

Well B and I have been talking the big M latley... And when it comes to the bridal party I know that 4 of the 5 people I want to be my side kicks will do it... But there is one that I want to be my sidekick but I am just not sure if she will. I mean if she decides she would rather just come thats no big deal my feelings wont be hurt. The thing is that a year ago I could have put money on it that shed be like hellz yea! but now im not so sure... We arent engaged, we arent getting married any time soon so its just things I think about.. 

Now something that makes me laugh hard and a lot is the people I know that have wedding boards on pinterest and they either don't have a boyfriend/girlfriend.. OR they just get into a relationship and the are planning a wedding.. PEOPLE please if the new guy in your life saw the shit you were pinning he'd be GONE in 60 seconds flat. It just makes me laugh. 

This entry has been a little wierd.. oh well its been a while since I used the blog as an actual blog.. haha!

Talk to you soon!

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