Tuesday, January 15, 2013

New year, new post

So Hey!!

Its been a good little bit since I have had an entry. As usual not a whole lot happened. Christmas was here, and gone. It was nice. B and I spent the day in our jammies and watched movies. B cooked Chicken Cordon Blue for dinner. It was romantic and nice.I got the guy that goes all romantical and what not. (insert then ddaawwwwwhhh here)

 My lover got me some pearls and earrings for christmas. 

 And I went all non romantical this year and got him 2 moovies and a ps3 controller.

(B doesn't want his face shown.. so he gets all pixely!)
 We also got some stuff for the house so that's always fun. Anywhoo Moving on Christmas and New years were pretty low key up in here!

We skyped with my family for new years which was pretty awesome. I was fairly certain that B was going to be home after midnight so I was pretty pissed off most of the night. But my prince came home just in time.

So the start to our 2013 is a good one so far! We are just keeping to our daily routines which SUCKS. We are getting back into the "work out" routines that I hate but after the holidays its time to get in gear. and its not because of the new year new body new me crap. Its because I have slacked and need to get back to it! so Ha!

I am going to be 23 in 2 days. I feel so old. and I feel like B and I have been together FOREVER. Its been almost 2 years but honestly it feels like its been 7. We were inseparable and still are. But turning 23 is I don't know what yet. What will this year hold. 22 had some ups and A LOT of downs. But it was a good one. So 23 has to be better Right?! Right?! 

Holy hell i have rambled a lot. and said a lot tons of times. I just wanted to post an update. It was soo badly needed. Not sure if I will keep this as a Saturday thing or a I'm in the mood thing. Probably the latter of the two. But who knows. 

Keep on Keeping on

Much Love
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