Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Rainy Days.....

So its a rainy Monday  Tuesday afternoon and i just about died on the elipitical so i thought as a way to get excited for NOT dying i would do my weekend wrap up and share a few things that are gonna be happening over here!

So Friday was just a usual Friday, we really didn't do anything super fun, we did watch  "Argo" I didn't think i would be that good. But I was wrong, it was pretty good. I was yelling at the screen, and B was knocked out...lol

Saturday was gonna be a beach day, but it turned into a yard work day because B is so damn kind at heart (its really a good thing) he went the extra mile and was attacking roots for a neighbors tree that was trying to kill he pool. So that took all day. We did get to run over and see my uncle which was good. That man is one of the funniest people I know. Wrapped Saturday up with steaks and lounging.

Sunday I went out to "brunch" with my long lost best friend. I have missed this girl so much! She's absolutely going to be a bridesmaid in my wedding. But we didnt feel like waiting at Peaches for a table because we didnt beat the church crowd so Brunch was at Jason's Deli. They make a mean turkey club. It was so good to just sit and catch up and bullshit with my girl! who by the way has one of THE coolest dogs EVER! Im in love and Moose is my new best doggie friend. ha! This is gonna be a monthly brunch date with girls nights thrown in thats for sure! We also celebrated B's birthday it was nice we had homemade lasagna and ice cream and cake, good times had by all.

Monday was monday, worked and thats about all. Which brings us toooooo, Tuesday!! It has been a pretty regular day, B had work, so he went and did that. I tried to focus on work and get things done and it worked pretty well. I also got my arse kicked on the elliptical tonight, 15 minutes on there was more then enough I was training my breathing so I wasnt out of breath. But my legs were jelly. Sweating for the wedding, Im gonna be making a few of those shirts and a few that say Operation wedding dress, and all that motivational crap. ha!

So that's whats going on up-in-here! Hopefully I can get to the beach and get some color on my translucent skin, or ever to a tan bed and get a spray tan or something, its getting ridiculous

Waiting on the tan!

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