Tuesday, April 23, 2013

50 Shades of no sleep!

I've done it.

 I cracked and read the first of the 50 Shades trilogy and when I say I read it, I mean cover to cover in about 11 hours... WHO DOES THINGS LIKE THAT? 

  • Especially on a Sunday night! 
  • Especially when you have to function for the rest of the week and no sleep on one day just throws off the interviews you have on Tuesday because you're so tried its hard to open your eyes after getting the recommended 8 hours. 

     Plus side I read it on my kindle app on my computer so the words were REALLY big.. Which comes in handy when you need to wear glasses to make the words bigger anyway... Anyway, I wanted to post something to start the week and I couldn't think of anything else besides the fact that I have caved in and started reading 50 shades trilogy. Almost half way through the second one... and I'm diggin it as much as the first.

Off to escape to the world of Christian Grey...

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