Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sometimes people....

...suck and its okay!

Ive been thinking of what i want to post today. And i have a few other blogs in mind. But I guess what i want to do is a write a letter to me. A letter my older self. Like a this is where i am now letter. I feel like Brad Paisley....

So... here goes....

Oh hey!

This is awkward but that's okay. We are pretty awkward most of the time. Its what makes us adorable. This isn't going to be much of a letter but more of a words of advise from me to me at the ripe old age of 26. We have lived somethings that other people couldn't imagine. We have experienced loss, love, let down, parenthood and a host of other things. Its crazy to sit here now and think of the think i want you to remember when you look back at this, but here's the most important thing. Are you ready?

People suck, and its okay. They are going to hurt your feelings. They are going to make you laugh. Some of them will use you, and you may use some of them. But keep it real with them, Remind them where their place in your life is when you need to but always remember the proper place and time. You're going to make friends and lose friends, and some of them will be dicks to you without you having any idea why. Its okay, they have their reasons and honestly. Fuck'em, if that's how they want to be. It shows more about their character than it does yours. make sure you keep making time to date your husband. And keep that baby happy. Hes the center of our world, i think that's why we are writing this letter right now, this is everything i want to tell Magoo one day. You have the few true from high school , that actually stuck around. They are all getting married and it's wonderful your circle is growing embrace it all. Remember to make time for them even if its only a quick text saying hello. You'll realize how important it is to have the closeness of friends one day.

Remember to give everyone a chance. You don't know their story. Keep loving with all of your heart. Never ever let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent. And remember to not get eaten by a shark, you promised. Keep the closeness of family dear to your heart always. You were blessed with a big family, and it has grown since getting married remember to welcome all new members with open arms, they might not be blood but their yours now. Keep telling your self this too shall pass, and stop sweating the small stuff. There's a bigger picture you just have to take the time to notice it. Life's scary right now, its okay. The unknown is scary. You have that support you need. Embrace it.

Don't dwell, move on stop holding grudges. Again those people aren't worth it. If they love you today, they will love you 10 years form now, for different reasons. But in the end we are all getting out the same way. Stop worrying about who does what and embrace everyday like it is your last. laugh a little louder and love a lot stronger. You will love yourself more for it.

Be the wonderful,crazy, loud, a little strange and awkward person you have always been.

Keep kickin' ass, you're doing a great job so far.

Until next time....

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