Saturday, July 30, 2016

I have a knack...

... For picking up little hobbies. 

Multiple hobbies all at once. And then I lay dormant for a while like an old volcano. Then one day I'm sitting here like, let's paint. No knit, oohh lets see a quilt. See where I'm going with this? Of course I but things that I don't need to craft with right now. But if it's on a screamin sale, well it would be silly of me not to buy it.

Example the paints at Michaels that were on sale 2 for $1.00

Did I need them? Nope, did I make myself believe that I needed them to justify buying them? I certainly did! So this whole trip to Michaels started because I found a new hobby I want to try out. Maybe get pretty good at it and then go from there. If been kicking the idea around for a bit, really deciding if I wanted to go for it or not.. And ultimately I decided yeah, let's try it. 

So I bough a beginners Calligraphy set! 

Again screamin sale I bought this bad boy for 55% off. I only tried it out a few times I need to sit and read he book and learn the basics and practice, practice practice. But I'm already loving it. The better I get the more stuff I will justify buying. Today while magoo is napping j will practice some more. 

Do you have any hobbies? What arethey  maybe I need to learn them too?! 

Until next time...
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

I havent peed...

... Without an audience in months! And the reason I tell you that is because I haven't had time alone long enough to finish this blog since before I wrote the last one. I know that sounds crazy. I write this on my phone in the few minutes in the morning before the boys wake up. Or in the bathroom at work. #classy! There is not much at all to catch up on. Mainly because I don't feel as though my day to day is all that
I had a whole get rich quick scheme in mind when I started to do this. I thought I will write a blog. It can't be that hard. Boy was I ever wrong. It's pretty hard to dedicate yourself to something like this. Especially when you don't see a reason for anyone ( even your husband, who you force) to read it. I'm completely honestly not that interesting. But I thought. I know I will start a blog and I'll be sassy, and funny and people will love me. They will forgive my run on sentences, and misspelled words. And I will possibly make some money doing this. Ha jokes on me. Because that only works if you work at it. Nothing comes free. Hot damn does that saying hold so true with this little hobby of mine.

I guess biggest news is..... Drum roll please. The biopsy results came back benign! That's right o just have a hitch hicker in my neck. I don't have cancer which is amazing. I have to go back in a year for another scan and to make sure that it doesn't turn the other cheek and become a jerk. That bein. Said The cyst has started to fill again. Amazing I know. But what does that mean? It means that I eventually need to make another appointment with my ENT to get it looked at and either drained, or removed. Who knows. But again good news is that it's just a hitch hicker.

What else? What else? Have you ever felt like ther is so much you want to say but then nothing comes to mind? That's me , at this very second. This has been sitting and waiting to be posted for probably 4 weeks. And I have opened it and looked at it. The little curser has blinked at me like " hey finish me" but I just haven't felt like there was a way to end this post. So right now I am sitting with my best guy. We are watching the good dinasour. He is eating a cookie , and I am typing away.  It's funny how quickly a toddler will change his mind. Now he is outside splashing in a puddle. Not a worry in the world. And he's having a blast! I want to be like him when I grow up. So happy and full of love.

I will try to be more regular, and hopefully I will find a way to dedicate myself to this better. It's not gonna be what I want it to be without me. So it's time to figure it all out I guess.

Until next time...

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