Friday, August 26, 2016

Monograms are...

... A girls best friend! 

I could burst with excitement for this post. I have been waiting since August 1st to post this. 

I am beyond excited to show you my August Monobox! Because I mean lets be real I am still a newlywed and my new monogram still need to be in all of the things. So without further adue ( yes I try to sound fancy. And yes I kill it) here's my August Monobox. 

This little bag made it a great day!
As soon as I opened it this is what I found. 
ITS SO PRETTY! It's a canvas type of bag with leather straps and embellishments. The thread is a chocolate brown for the monogram. 

Pressie a inside... No pockets but that's ok I don't use them anyway :) 

This adorable note pad and brown polka dot pen are too cute! (It's a brilliant idea to subscribe!  ;) ) 

The wait for the box to arrive was a little frustrating but that's mainly because I am absolutely the most impatient person ever. 

However once it shipped it was here in 3 days! I of course was hounding the mailbox waiting! 

Check them out they have all different things clothes, jewelry, purses and a host of accessories.

If you get it also let me know how you like them!

As always...

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The funny thing about cysts....

... Is that they can grow back!

You never think about it really. You have a cyst, it gets drained. Boom, done. That's it. But that's not it at all.

No it's going to rear its ugly head again one way or another. In case you couldn't tell I'm talking about Gretchen. She has been putting on some weight as I have explained it. Not too much lately but enough to be noticeable to me again.In the pictures below you can see right after I had it drained on June 3, 2016 and then today August 2, 2016. almost 2 months exactly and its growing back. Um excuse me we did not approve of the refilling. This has gotta go!

I know I know, I should PROBABLY call he ENT and get another ultrasound. And I should probably talk to my husband about getting it removed but here's the thing. The idea of having surgery on my neck. Scares the beejesus out of me.

There I said it. I'm about 90% sure that they are going to need to take some of my thyroid. Cool I get it. But then I will have to take a pill everyday. I'm not that organized. I mean I can do it of course I can. But , uh what if they you know slip. Then I could have jacked up vocal cords. I mean I'm sure Bret wouldn't mind if I couldn't tak for a while, but these are the things I think about. I go to the worst case situation  FIRST and then go down from there.

Anyway since the last post about Gretchen and then the biopsy update I figured I'd give this one too. She is really becoming a pain in the neck... Ah... See what I did there?

Oh Gretchen, its just about time that we cut ties, I mean you have been there for all the big times in my life. But for real girl. Lets get this over with. You have got to go now!

Of course I will document the latest with Gretchen, I mean we all love to hate her!

As always....

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