Hi All!!
This is my first official blog. I have been told about a million and ten times that i should start a blog. I took that advice and started it on Halloween of all days.
Just a few things about me
Lets start off with hmmm, 15 things about me that you don't know because I just started this silly thing...
1.) I am a winter baby through and through... I was born in January, I love the snow and hate the heat! Bring on the cold
2.) I have two brothers and one sister, two of which are 15 + years younger than me.
3.) I live in Florida...again. I am from Philadelphia, PA.(insert cheesesteak questions here.. for the record Chubby's not Pats or Genos!)
4.) I have known my Boyfriend for about 7 1/2 years, and we started dating almost 2 years ago... we are that couple you read about.. its gross. ha!
5.) I am a TERRIBLE speller, if it wasn't for spell check I would die. Legit!
6.) My favorite holiday is Christmas EVE... now I know that doesn't count as a holiday. But in my family its the night we all get together, lots of memories, laughs.. booze... and its my favorite so don't knock it.
7.) I watch YouTUBE channels like its my job.. but its not
8.) I work form home and I love my job as a medical biller and Licensed Insurance agent.. what up.. I hate barley leaving the house because there isn't much to do in our town.
9.) I am a Momma's girl. Never had that bond with my dad, honestly don't want it. My mom is like my best friend.
10.) I have a sick obsession with trivia, I love to know anything and everything i can about someone or something...
11.) Like I said I'm from Philadelphia and I LOVE that place!
12.) I'm a huge Phillies fan. You can talk trash about the eagles and flyers but be nice about the Phillies or I will rip off your face.
13.) Absolute favorite show in the entire world is I Love Lucy, its funny and its just that darn good. Check out a few episodes if you dont laugh, then you have no soul!
14.) I can't Cook, I can heat stuff up on the stove and I can bake but do not ask me to cook a meal, or you'll be ordering pizza after I ruin the meal
15.) I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, once they lose the trust then they are pretty much done for. I will be nice and civil but its gonna take a while to get you back on my good side.
So there you have it, 15 things that just made your life a little bit better. I have been thinking about doing one of these for a while. And been waiting and waiting to do it. Woke up this morning and decided it was time. If someone stumbles across it WELCOME TO THE INSANITY!!! if not then.. well i don't have a message for someone that wont read this so... moving on... Guess its a place to go to every day or so and jot down what has been going on, this way we can remember years from now that on Halloween 2012 I started telling the world about our lives and so far I'm loving it!!
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