Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Wedding Wednesday!

Hey Ladies and Gents,

I know I was MIA last week but the only thing I can say is that what I was doing was very important (to my tan)!

That being said lets get going on Wedding Wednesday! 

Lets start off with the first major positive that happened and what will help get this wedding goin, I got the new job! Making pretty decent money starting out so that will def help as far as saving money is concerned. 

This bloggiy-blog entry will be more focused on Engagement pictures and when they should be done...

We've been engaged for a whole 3 months now and I dont know when we should get the pictures done, OH and there is another thing. The Photographer we want has a deal get an e-session with her and get a bunch of other stuff which is totally awesome. That being said I dont wanna use 2 different photographers, thats where the OCD comes into effect. I want the E-session pics and the wedding pics to have the same feel, how do you do that, use the same pohotgrapher. The one one we REALLY like and are gonna go with is Chrissy K, ( She shot my cousins wedding, and a few other people I know she also did their weddings. Mr.B and I have looked over her website as well as others and she is the one we like best. 

That being said I cant wait to have pictures where I am "forced" to kiss on my fiance, and hold his hand and have someone take pictures of us in love... ( dawww)

Here are some examples of the e-session ideas I like!


What ideas do you have for e-sessions and when should you do them... before the wedding obviously but how soon is too soon?

Let me know!! Leave some comments!

Here is the pic from the night we got engaged!

Off to get some work done!

 photo signature_zpsg2bzftcv.png

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