Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Wedding Wednesday

If you've looked at the calendar today you know its Wedding Wednesday! Although this entry isn't gonna be about wedding plans, (boo!) I know. But its gonna be more of a question blog that I over analyze as usual...

Here's a hint of what the subject is...

How soon is too soon to make it official with your bridesmaids and groomsmen (or our sidekicks as we are gonna call them!) I mean we aren't getting married until October 2015/2016. I have mentioned it to all of my bridesmaid's EXCEPT for my Maid of Honor( heh heh heh Sneaky) I don't remember if I told you all I was going to make them all an official " Be my Bridesmaid" Gift. Nikki knows about the gift because shes the only one that I see regularly. However she doesn't know exactly what is gonna be in it. 

Mr. B hasn't asked his guys yet. which is cool I get it I mean we aren't getting married for at least 2 years. Throughout conversations in the past it has come up the whole "well you'll be in the wedding" and he hasn't added anyone else THANK GOD! I know there is no rush, but I am so impatient!!!!! 

Should I wait until the end of 2014/2015 closer the the one year away mark? 

Let me know what you think!

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