Monday, October 12, 2015

I had...

... A really good post.

It was, it was about how I don't know what do to get magoo to sleep through the night. But then I realized. This Mommy monday trend turns to what I am doing wrong as a mom.

Instead I wanted to take a break at what I need to work on as a mom and share a story about an experience I had at a resturaunt.

Bret Magoo and  I went to lunch yesterday. We went to a sports bar and grille so that we could get something to eat and Bret could watch some football. Now they were relatively busy being sunday and the eagles were playing. We were seated and orders were taken. Now I have a 1 year old. He has a short attention span keeping him happy and playing sometimes in a restaurant is a challenge. But we were doing pretty good. He was coloring we were waiting on our food. Once our meal came out he instantly took Bret's fries. Then saw I was dipping my fries in ketchup (yep im a dipper.. for everything)  So naturally he wanted to try it, Which I allowed. Of course as my luck would have it, the tvs all go out for literally a minute. thats it and of course that's when Magoo decides mommy is not cool for stopping the party he was having with the ketchup.

Let me stop here, I have younger sister and brother. They are 18 and 15 years younger than me . I know how it is to be out with kids and they have a melt down. If this has never happened to you, then you are from a different planet. I digress...

If it wasn't bad enough that magoo was screaming because i was wiping him off the only two tables by us who also had kids at them proceed to turn around and not only stare at us but shoot me dirty looks almost like "omg i cant believe you let your kid scream like that". I was embarrassed. Not because my kid screamed. He is 1, that is his way of communication. But because those people who i'm sure have been in our shoes chose to stare at us instead of going on with their lunch.

I just don't understand why that is the reaction they choose to have. Just ignore us. I know its hard but he didn't scream the whole time it was once because I stopped the ketchup party. Its not like you are missing the game. The tv was jacked up.

I can honestly say I have never shot a mom with a infant/toddler a dirty look. And its happened to me. They apologized and i told them not to even worry about it. And I am not that nice of a person.

I guess this was a vent to those people. You sucked in that moment when I was trying to calm down my toddler with your judgy looks.

Put your self in someone elses shoes for just a minute. You would want a little understanding.

Until next time..
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