Wednesday, October 28, 2015

There has been a wedding...

...And it was mine!!!

Where do I start? I guess first let me apologize. It has been a few crazy weeks. But the crazy has died down. The wedding was a blast and my husband, yep husband, husband, husband.. one more time and you'll believe me? HUSBAND and I are in newlywed bliss, while living everyday the same as we did before the wedding. Only now we say husband and wife A LOT.

The weekend went to quickly. And I loved every second of it; we started the festivities on Thursday October 22,2015. My in-laws live in florida, We wanted to have a less formal welcome to PA, lets all get to know each other a little better before the wedding party. It was a lot of fun, it started the weekend off on the right foot. We were all comfortable in each others company and there was no awkwardness ( is that a word? it is now..). My uncle was in town for our wedding also. Thursday was a hit and like i said started the weekend off on a good foot.

Friday we got off to a poor start. The battery in my car died, and we were running behind. It all worked out. We jumped the car, Bret was able to get to his parents and we were able to get to the venue to decorate. It turned the day around. Once we were done decorating i had a super migraine which was awesome. And went to get our toes done. Fast forward 2 hours and a cat nap we had our rehearsal and rehearsal dinner.  Grabbed some pictures before we all left.

Now as you all know,  I am a proud mother to the most wonderful little boy in the entire world. My son, Mr, Magoo decided to wake up at 4:30 the morning of my wedding. Yep, 4:30. I was ready to go. I wrote out my vows I made sure all the bags were packed and then we were on our way. To be honest the day TOOK FOREVER, until it didn't anymore. We stopped to get my flowers and headed to my best friends hotel room to get ready. 

It was good times, laughs and a calming relaxing place to be before my wedding. (These are just randoms from before during and after)
Check Nicole out at tell her I sent you

We had a trolley, we had fun, we cried a little and laughed a lot!

Bret walked Magoo down the Aisle

My Big Brother (I dont know waht I would do without him) walked me down the aisle...

Then we said I do, and of course kissed!!

From there it was picture time and our photographers were amazing! I loved them. there was a photo booth and booze. We all had a great time... We raised the bar pretty high as far as weddings go. We planned a great party!

I had the best wedding, it was more than I could have ever imagined it to be. And now I am married to my best friend. I am going sign off with one of my favorite pictures of the night. It was impromptu, we were cleaning up and there was whistling and yelling.....Mam would have been proud....

(Im old and married now.. its still sinking in)
Until Next Time....

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