Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November means....

...Sharing what you are thankful for.

In all actuality we should remind everyone what we are thankful for all the time. But november having thanksgiving makes everyone a little more thankful.

I am going to try to post a thankful blog more than just in november. But lets be honest, that might not happen. You've all gathered that by now, huh?

Tonight, right now I am so thankful for my mom. We don't see eye to eye ALL the time. That is common with mothers and daughters. But next to my husband my mom is my best friend. I tell her everything, and once a day I say or do something that confirms it. I am just like my mom.
My mom ha shown me what it means to be a great mother. I am learning from the best! There is nothing better than knowing you have people in your corner at all times. I now as a mom understand the depth you can have for someone. I tell her all the time. I hope I'm half the mom you are. growing up we wanted for nothing. Mom always found a way to keep us happy. Granted it was in the 90's so having the latest ipad was not even a option. But mom showed us what family is about and what it means to put your kids first.

I know i do things to drive her absolutely insane, and vice versa. But that's how we work.

I couldn't imagine a better person to look up to and idealize. I hope I make her proud every day.

So for my first thankful post in the month of November, I am thankful for my mom.

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