Monday, November 9, 2015

Just another...

...Manic Monday!

I cant believe it is already monday! I really have a case of the monday's this week. But that is not going to stop me from doing a weekend round up with you.

Our weekend was busy, extremely busy. For starters i am fighting off a cold that will never leave. I swear it is going to be a fight to the death. So far, i have the cough that just will not quit, and the stuffy nose. Its gross. Bt lets talk about something else. Like the freakin' weekend.

Saturday started off like an Alfred Hitchcock movie. I was making my coffee and I'm looking out the window. I literally watched the bird get ready and BOOM right into the window. I swear it was the craziest thing. I don't even understand how it happened. Magoo hung out and watched tv with his uncer before we went to the soccer game. Pots and Pans was the captain for his game and got to do the coin toss. Last game of the season for the Celtics, and boy was it.. i don't even know the word. I understand they are kids, But damn. They literally stood there and watched the other team win. Its a shame, but some of them played well. We FROZE our faces off. Its not that it was cold. The wind was killer. It was so bad. I had Magoo in his stroller turned away watching kids run around because the wind was that bad. 

Then when we came home it was a relaxing afternoon, ma raked the front yard. Bret raked the back yard. I took a nap. We watched the FSU game, i was extremely happy that my husband wasn't cranky after the game. If you knew his friends and their love for THE Florida State you would get it. Its deep and its real. But the best part, THE BEST PART. THE BEST PART was after the game. My husband gave ME the remote. There was still football on the tv, but he gladly handed it over. This is HUGE for my husband. He lives for saturday football. I don't get it. Watch your team and call it a day. He actually got made at me one time for changing the channel while he was ASLEEP.  Yep he was sleeping and still threw an attitude because I changed the channel. You gotta be kidding me. Anyway. It was a good saturday. Low key, just the way I like my weekends. Topper would have been a girls night with my Nikki (The Honest Fox  ;check her out, I love her and you will too. Tell her I sent you :) ) and wine, with a rom-com on in the background. But she is too far away.


Sunday we got up and dressed and headed out to Peddler's Village for the apple festival. There was apple moonshine. Yep, thats right apple moonshine. It was nice once we got there, the drive kinda sucked but at the same time, when is being in the car the best time ever?  We walked around for roughly an hour. I told Bret we need to go back when there isn't a festival going on so that we can enjoy the place. We were with my dad, his wife. Brother, girlfriend and their kids. We decided to go to dinner with My brother and his family. As we were heading back to their house we saw some deer, They are so pretty. I don't understand how people can hunt them. I mean they aren't hurting you. Leave Bambi and friends alone. Capiche? We saw hot air balloons literally taking off to our right and flying LOW over our car. It was very, very, neat. We got my mom some thanksgiving decorations and then say by the fire and watched the E A G L E S, beat Dallas. 

It was a great weekend. I hope we have more like it now that we are coming up to the holidays. I love that we are back north and Bret and Magoo can experience the seasons. 

I hope you all had a great weekend too. Life is about the moments that take your breath away. 

Until next time...

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1 comment:

  1. Call me any time for a girls night. Or just stop by if you'd like. ;) XO
