Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Motherhood is... your kids shit out of the tub.

Tonight was bath night. I attempt every other night with Magoo. He loved the bath, it was his favorite. Now? nope not going to happen. He starts to scream before i even get his clothes off. This is a new development. I think i figured it out though. A few weeks back while the tub was filling up he pulled the tab and on came the shower. Oh no no no no no, Magoo was not having that.

Tonight I tried a different tactic. Instead of running the water with him in the room, I started the water before he got in the tub, Well that worked, sorta. Once I got the water where it should be not too hot, not too cold. Just enough in the tub. now came the hard part. I had to undress the magoo, and then get him in the tub.

So I tried it slowly, I sat him on the side of the tub and wet his feet with the cup for a while. Then it was time to go. And he was not happy. He cried and told me ALL DONE. There is a video, I sent it to Nikki, it was so pathetic it was adorable. We had some cheering, and dancing and singing. and I was able to get him in the tub. It was great! Then he did it, there was a grunt, and floaters. Yep he took a shit right in the tub.*sigh* Now comes the fun part....

Of course I fished out the poo, Welcome to Motherhood, and you thought it was just diapers, vomit, and kisses. Boy were you wrong! This has happened twice at this point, which is no big deal. But this means I need to add more water. So we drain the tub and start the singing, cheering and dancing again. This worked through tears and screaming and more ALL DONE. But alas, Mommy won. Magoo got a bath, splashed, laughed, and had fun.

And as much as I hate to see my son cry, especially when it comes to his bath. I am that much happier that we were able to get him through the hard part... tonight at least. 

Tomorrow may be a different story. Only Time will tell.  

As always, until next time....
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