Monday, November 16, 2015

Dear Joey...

I have been following your story closely for the past few weeks, the pictures of you snuggling your baby girl have a place in my heart that has grown since having my son a year ago. You are new to me and I'm sorry for that. I am almost ashamed to say I probably wouldn't be writing this blog if you weren't sick. I love country music, but I never came across your music (and you got me hooked). Your voice is amazing. You are very talented, and you obviously are doing something right to have a man by your side that loves you as much as Rory does.

I am writing this letter to you, and I am not trying to be a "bandwagon" fan, or someone that is trying to get in the lime light. that is so far from the reason behind this letter. . But at this time of your life, you are inspiring me as a mother and a wife. I have read countless articles about how strong you are. My son and I have added you to our prayer chain, every prayer helps right? I guess my main reason for this is because I want to share with my friends and family the story of a mothers love. Its obvious in the pictures of you with Indy how much you adore your little girl. 

You have fought, and tried your hardest, You did good momma. And luckily your little girl will have your songs to comfort her, and stories from Rory, and her aunts and uncles and cousins,siblings,  grandparents you name it. Now, I am not the end all be all of what everyone in the world that is following your story has to say. But for me and my family, you have showed us what it means to fight, and be okay with your next place. 

I have had family members that we have lost to cancer, it seems like there is at least one person in every family, doesn't it? I watched the video from when you rang the bell tonight, and I sobbed as you and Indy hugged the nurses and I want to thank you, because you have welcomed ME into your life, even if it is only for a brief time. You have taught me that time is precious. Moments with my son are moments that I will never get back. The one extra cuddle before bed, the stinky diaper in the middle of the night. The random hug and kiss while playing or the tantrum because he doesn't want his sock on while wearing his show. The stupid fights with my husband about who changed the last diaper, or who's turn it is to turn off the light before bed, and the big ones too because we are human. These are all things that need to be cherished. 

Because of you and your love for your husband and three girls, I am making a promise to you, My promise is that I will cherish my time with my son and husband. Because at the end of the day, time can come faster than we all realize. Even though you have come into my life near the end of yours, my heart is with you. I hope in your last days you have nothing but peace, comfort, and continue to be surrounded by your loved ones. And know that your fans both old and new are praying for you, You have gained 3 new prayer warriors.

"Never say goodbye, because goodbye means going away. And going away means forgetting"- Peter Pan,

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