Tuesday, December 8, 2015

A Christmas Craft....

I am SO beyond excited to post a craft for you all FINALLY a Christmas Craft!! ( I am a hopeless crafter, Give me a glass of wine, a hot glue gun, and I'm in my happy place) I have been wanting to post a craft since the wedding so bad and I am way to freeking excited about it. Okay now I LOVE Christmas I really do. It has been extreamly hard to get into the spirit of the holidays when you are singing about letting it snow and its 80 degrees outside. Well this year is a little different. Now that we are in PA and not FL its bringing the holiday feeling back.

As you know we just got married, and of course I am that newlywed that needs to have all the things that say we are married around, so I can look at them all the time. So for some of my holiday crafts I am making ornaments for our tree. The first one I am doing is a Pinterest inspired craft with my own little twist on to it.

The Inspiration

I bought the products used here at AC MOORE, Michael's and Hobby Lobby. Lets be honest you will be able to find majority of them at any craft store.

You will need:
  • Acrylic Paint 
  • Clear Christmas Ornament (i am using plastic, Toddlers and glass not a good mix.. I got mine at A.C Moore for $1.00 super excited about this will need to get more!)
  • A wedding invitation 
  • Scissors 
  • and Mod Podge 

Okay for your first step you want to take a wedding invitation that you have left over*we all know this is a common occurrence* and cut it into strips. I am going horizontally so that you can make out some of the words.

From there I twisted the strips, You can leave them the way you cut them out. 
I wanted to be fancy.

Once the pieces are twisted put them into the ornament
Next you will want to take a small tip paint brush and pant on your
Family last name on the ornament ( I went the step farther and put EST 2015 on the back
that decision is yours if you want to put it on the back,front, or not at all)

I used Acrylic paint which scratches off way too easily, so i sealed the paint in with Mod Podge
(if you are new to crafting get yourself a big jar of this stuff you will use it for basically everything you do, its glue, and a sealer. Its a must have in every craft corner)

I couldn't find my sponge brush so I used a paper towel bad idea
Always, always, always use the sponge brush. But you want to coat that bad boy all over. Okay let it dry, it wont take too long to dry, but over night is always safe before you hang it on your tree. 
Now becuase I am impatient and wanted it to be completed before I left it to dry over night this is why we cant have nice things

I added the bow. I was unable to get pictures, all cameras were dead and i didnt feel like looking for batteries *I will post an update on how to do the bow.*  But i just took my glue gun and wrapped a small piece of the trim around the metal of the ornament. and then placed the bow "in the middle" of the ornament and boom sha-ka-la-la you have your ornament. I did take these finished product pictures this morning.
Front, Back and Bottom. 

Alright there you have it. All in all it took about an hour and a half to complete everything. 
Drying time not included. 

If this helped you at all leave me a comment below with a picture!

If you want more craft tutorials let me know that too!!

As always,
Until Next time...
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