Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Christmas was...

... so much fun!

Lets be honest..... this blog has been sitting neglected for the whole holiday season! I know, and I am sorry. But like we all say Life Happens right. Let me try to wrap our Christmas and new years here in a few short paragraphs. 

It was Magoo's first Christmas that he understood what was going on. We had the Elf on the shelf that we looked for every morning, and we taught him what Santa says "oh oh oh" he says it backwards but he's 1 and its adorable. (#don'tjudge)  Now I know all of the readers here don't celebrate Christmas. In my family we celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. The holiday's are about family. So whatever you celebrate, I hope you enjoyed it.

For Christmas Eve we usually have an open house, anyone that wants to stop by is more than welcome, we exchange gifts to brothers and sisters, or aunts and uncles that we wont see on Christmas. It is a tradition that we started years and years ago. We would all go to church and then come back to our house and everyone would visit with my Mam-Mom (grand-mom). We would have dinner and then once everyone left, hang our stockings, read the night before Christmas. This year was Bret and Magoo's first Christmas Eve with my family. We had lived in Florida for the past 3 years, so he got to experience a Christmas in PA. I tried to incorporate his families traditions to make  him a little more comfortable. I know how it is being far away from your family for the first holiday season. Its hard, it sucks, and you just don't want to.

Christmas, was Christmas. We woke up too early, opened presents that we got each other and for Magoo along with gifts sent from our family in Florida, then we went up to the kitchen and started cooking my breakfast casserole (recipe to come) . This was all before 7:30, I call that a Christmas miracle! Magoo held strong until around 1030 then he needed a nap and slept for a good 3 hours. He's getting so big!

Then we all opened presents and we relaxed. Fast forward 2 days and we had the Day after Day after Christmas party. It was great getting to hang out with some cousins that we haven't seen since the wedding. There were ugly Christmas sweaters, football and catch phrase. It was a really good time.

Now here I sit January 13th 2016 I cant believe that the holidays are over. But there are better things to come along this year! New Jobs, vacations, weddings, babies (not mine) but its all good things happening this year!

I hope 2016 is great for you too!

Until Next time...

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