Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Did you ever wish....

Did you ever wish that there was a quick fix for a lot of things? I wish I had a way to inherit some money. Ha I know that is pretty much impossible with out having a millionaire grandparent or something like that. There are so many things that we want to do but the fact that we aren't financially able to do them sucks so bad! For instance I need a *new to me car*. And i actually mean that I need it. I am very lucky that I have a job. Its a perk that I can work from home. But the major downside is that I NEVER leave the house. I love my fiance but I HATE relying on him all the time. I miss the ability to just run to the store and not have to wait for him to come home, and if hes tired then chances are we aren't running to the store. Its that one piece of independence that I am dying to get back. The only thing is we dont have the funds. we are saving for a wedding, a car, an apartment.

I wish there was a way to make money on the side. I have thought about being a scentsy consultant but I dont know that many people that would buy. I'm sure I have a handful of people that would but lets be honest how many would keep coming back? But I think its something I am going to do, Even if its just a few bucks in the bank, every little bit helps. 

I'm just not one of those people that can catch a break. There is ALWAYS something stopping me from getting ahead. Its ALWAYS something. 

This is NOT a poor me pity me blog in any way, its a vent blog about the things that are bugging the crap out of me. Im tired of not having a car, and not being able to just go to the store if I want to. 

Hoping to have a craft blog SOON, but well we shall see what I craft.

Time to get chugging

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Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Craft of the day: Memory Box

So This is a little bit of an older craft that I did, it was for our niece she was born in July. She has one of those names that you wont find on a keychain. Its really cute though. I wanted to get her something more than clothes that she is going to grow out of.

So first we ran out to Hobby Lobby and grabbed a little treasure box some acrylic paint and brushes 

After i got into my comfy's and got all ready for a few hours of crafting we set in and went forward started by painting the box white. It took about 2 or 3 coats to get it full covered. I did NOT paint the inside. It would be pointless really to do that.

After the plain white paint dried I added her name using stencils that I bought, it wasn't as hard as I though it would be. I didn't want it centered trying to be different. I also painted in the letters on the sides so they stood out, A B C  you get the idea they are the different accent colors. That also took about 2 coats. The butterflies and flowers both took only 1 coat to get a good cover.

 And here is the finished product. All together it took about 4 hours.  And i was super happy with how it turned out. So were they!

Leave some comments if you've made something like this! 
On to the next craft

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Rainy Days.....

So its a rainy Monday  Tuesday afternoon and i just about died on the elipitical so i thought as a way to get excited for NOT dying i would do my weekend wrap up and share a few things that are gonna be happening over here!

So Friday was just a usual Friday, we really didn't do anything super fun, we did watch  "Argo" I didn't think i would be that good. But I was wrong, it was pretty good. I was yelling at the screen, and B was knocked

Saturday was gonna be a beach day, but it turned into a yard work day because B is so damn kind at heart (its really a good thing) he went the extra mile and was attacking roots for a neighbors tree that was trying to kill he pool. So that took all day. We did get to run over and see my uncle which was good. That man is one of the funniest people I know. Wrapped Saturday up with steaks and lounging.

Sunday I went out to "brunch" with my long lost best friend. I have missed this girl so much! She's absolutely going to be a bridesmaid in my wedding. But we didnt feel like waiting at Peaches for a table because we didnt beat the church crowd so Brunch was at Jason's Deli. They make a mean turkey club. It was so good to just sit and catch up and bullshit with my girl! who by the way has one of THE coolest dogs EVER! Im in love and Moose is my new best doggie friend. ha! This is gonna be a monthly brunch date with girls nights thrown in thats for sure! We also celebrated B's birthday it was nice we had homemade lasagna and ice cream and cake, good times had by all.

Monday was monday, worked and thats about all. Which brings us toooooo, Tuesday!! It has been a pretty regular day, B had work, so he went and did that. I tried to focus on work and get things done and it worked pretty well. I also got my arse kicked on the elliptical tonight, 15 minutes on there was more then enough I was training my breathing so I wasnt out of breath. But my legs were jelly. Sweating for the wedding, Im gonna be making a few of those shirts and a few that say Operation wedding dress, and all that motivational crap. ha!

So that's whats going on up-in-here! Hopefully I can get to the beach and get some color on my translucent skin, or ever to a tan bed and get a spray tan or something, its getting ridiculous

Waiting on the tan!

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Friday, March 8, 2013

Gettin in the groove

OMG has it been long enough since I blogged?

Well right now I'm sitting in our room, watching HIMYM with my Fiance and fighting a super dooper migraine... The move went A LOT better then i was expecting.. nothing was broken, we didn't fight and we all still like each other lol. we are already getting into a new routine with B's new schedule. so thats awesome, those late nights were terrible. There hasnt been much other then the fact that we are gettin in our groove besides the fact that it was B's big ole birthday! Hims a old man now he turned 24! I got him a balloon, and a mushy lovey dovey card. We are doing a little celebration for him and his twin on Sunday. 

I am so excited to go to the beach, I have been missing the beach. Its been too long. almost a year. so totally not okay.

There really isn't anything else going on, super short entry this Friday night. 

Sooo I will talk to you all sometime Monday and do a weekend wrap-up

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