Friday, July 19, 2013

Disney movie marathon?

Calling all kids cleverly disguised as adults!!

Admit it Disney movie marathon sounds pretty stikin' good doesn't it. I mean after a week that felt both shot and long at one time. And in this town there is NOTHING worth the money to do, calling to your inner child and watching Disney movies and eating ice cream and or having Starbucks sounds like a pretty good night. I mean I am a woman after all! I think as adults we are supposed to allow ourselves to be kids because there is no reason taking life too seriously, Spoiler alert-- No one gets out alive!
The trickiest part will be trying to convince Mr.B that HE also wants to watch Disney movies with me. Now let me just say I won the lottery with this man, He give back rubs(after hours of asking for one) and he cooks and he watches chick flicks. I mean I got pretty friggin' lucky with this man! He has done marathon shows with me you know that one AMAZING show about doctors Grey's Anatomy. Yep hated it before he watched it with me.. now? Hes hooked. So trying to convince him that he REALLY wants to cuddle and watch Disney movies with me wont be too hard... I hope..

Its just been one of those weeks, Headaches and stuffy noses and terrible sleeping habits have all joined a group that they wanted me to be miserable by the end of my work week. Its not a very nice group. I just need a down night, where we don't have to do anything but watch the stories of make believe, with unrealistic expectations for hair, singing fixes EVERYTHING and they all live happily ever after. I think I can handle that.

Off to convince my fiance that he wants to get lost in the land of make believe with me.

"Here you leave the world of today, and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy"- Walt Disney

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Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On the other line....

I'm sure you are looking at the calendar and thinking "wait just one second missy, its wedding Wednesday where are the wedding related rambles that I've come to love"

 Well dearest love flower, I have no wedding related rambles today. There just isn't much to ramble about that hasn't already been rambled... So I'm going to change it up a little and give you some tips and tricks... fun facts... or life lessons how ever you choose to look at them. 

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I get to meet new people everyday for 8 hours a day. Its a pretty sweet gig I have here. But as a customer service representative here are the top things to remember when you're calling for help with something.

1.When you start out the call by blurting out the problem and then sitting there waiting for us to just give an answer will not help at all, Start with your name. And thennnnn go on with the speech of the issue you're calling about.
2. That person answering the phone did not a. kick your puppy b. eat your last cookie or c. drink the last yoohoo at the house...That being said please and I am stressing PLEASE don't yell at the person on the other line..I mean think about it, when you were a kid and your parents yelled at you how fast did you jump to do what they said... yeah think about that one...

And I'll finally wrap this up with 

3. Please dont ramble its hard enough trying to decipher what is being said. But if you are asked how to spell your name It should go something like this " R as in Robert- O as in Oscar- B as in boy- I as in indigo- N as in Nancy", It should not go something like this "R as in Robert- obi -N as in Nancy" I mean if you need to spell it out at least make sure we can get all the letters. (Note: Robin was used as a reference to HIMYM Mr B is watching while I blog, Not in reference to an actual person, place , or bird.. heh)

So there are just a few quick tips for what you should do when you call a customer service department...

Off to snuggle with my Fiance

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Thursday, July 11, 2013

My car buying experience...

So before I was able to purchase the Sable I was going to go to a Hyundai dealer and purchase a 2004 Hyundai Elantra with like 18,000 miles or something like that on it. I mean it was almost too good to be true.... well wait let me rewind just a little bit....

I have been out of a car at this point for just shy of 9 1/2 months. So when I came across this ad  for the car that was UNDER $6,000 I was like well shit I can do that! Absa-frickin--loutley. So I make the first phone call when I get home from work it went a little something like this

Me "Hi I'm interested in the Hyundai Elantra for 5,991 that you have there would I be able to come loo at it?"
Lady ad dealership " Of course wen can you come down"
Me "Well I am definitely able to get there Saturday will that still be possible:
L.A.D"yeah that shouldn't be a problem, If something changes with the car I will email you, whats your email"
Me(gave my email)" Okay great I'll see you at 9 am"

Fast forward 15 mins... I called back

Me" Hi so instead of coming down Saturday I am able to come down tomorrow around 6 is that okay?"
L.A.D" That's even better I'll change the appointment to tomorrow at 6 and I will email you if the car leaves the lot for any reason."
Me" Okay great I'll see you tomorrow"

So all damn day I checked my email to make sure that the car was still there no emails everything is good to go...   right,  right ,  RIGHT.... wrong...

So we show up at the dealership and at this point its Me, and my future in-laws. Mr B was working...(Which in retrospect is probably a good thing because he would have gone ape-shit on this place)

So we walk in and I'm all excited which was my first mistake.. my rule #1 never, ever get your hopes up for something because it almost always wont turn out... Past experience just treat it like it happens all the time and then when it turns out to be awesome celebrate!...I digress... So the lady I spoke with comes down and starts talking and says this is Joe (Joe looked like this ...
...So for the rest of the story he will be known as Danny Divito or DD)

So DD starts talking and not to me the person with the appointment, he starts talking to my father-in-law(how rude right) "okay I have the Santa Fe all ready for you to look at." I stopped him right there. I said "Nope DD we are here for the Elantra this one" and pulled out the ad from the internet. He looks confused (thinking was not a strong suit here) So he takes us out and walks us through the lot and then back inside... Now at this point I know the car isn't there. I am no dummy.  

So he goes and is looking HARD on his computer for something to make it work.. It turned into a classic bait and switch DD came back over with a car that had over 110K miles and another car with over 80K miles both for more than $6,000. My father In-Law ripped him a new one basically telling DD that he is a liar and that he wasn't doing business and to start talking to me because I was the one selling the car. I told him that I was there for one car, that there I was told at least I would get an email if the car was no longer on the lot and that didn't happen I was not doing business and walked out. 

I don't think I ever heard so much studdering as I did from DD when we walked away from him. I never thought that I would fall victim to a bunch of dirty used car dealers on a legit dealership lot. But it has to happen at some time. Fast forward to today. I have a car that I bought the next day from a better place and an awesome Salesman! Needless to say If you are ever in South Florida stay away from Gettel Hyundai...

So there is my car buying experience hope the next one doesn't start out so eventful!

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Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Where in the world have I been?

I know its been a month and a half since I have blogged. I got a new job, I bought a new car finally. and I've been living the engaged life with my Fiance. There have been things in between but I'll get to all that. 

So I started my new job May 20, and since then the idea of sitting in front of my computer when I get home does not appeal to me. I mean I sit in front of a computer for 8 hours a day, when I get home  just wanna sit in the silence and just read or something. And honestly I haven't been too inspired to blog I have been so run down getting used to the new schedule and all. Its pretty crazy how long that takes to kick in. 

We got to see great friends tie the knot, and a beautiful setting... The rain held out which was really nice the pictures turned out amazing.  

I got a new car she is pretty amazing. Shes a 2005 Mercury Sable she only has 33000 miles and her name is Sally. ha I mean everyone names their car right.

I mean other than that we really havnt been doing much just saving our pennies to get our own place, we have a few places in mind that we are looking out.. Fingers crossed we find one.

Just a quick update not really much going on but I plan on blogging
 more and more

Time to get some shut eye
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Wedding Wednesday!!!

                  Oh Em Gee! (yeah that just happened) Its bee wa-hayyyy too long since I have posted anything let alone a Wedding Wednesday bloggity blog!I have a feeling today is going to be a two-fer. Since I haven't blogged in oh...hmm...lets see about a month and a half. Ha I'm so slacking its not even funny. I will go into more detail in my next blog but we will start with none other than....

               "Why don't we just elope?" Don't think for a second that thought hasn't crossed our minds. Mr B actually said to me " It would make more sense to just do a court house special, and then when we can afford it have our wedding" and I Actually thought "That's not a bad idea." But almost instantlly as I got really sad, Like deep in my heart sad. I mean come on every girl is programmed from birth to think about their wedding day.  

Princess Ariel Married Prince Eric...
Cinderella Married Price Charming

                  Every little girl wants to feel like a Princess marrying their Prince. I've always imagined my wedding day. And I'm talkin' the whole 9! White dress, flower girl, the reception and then leaving with my husband to start our life as husband an wife. Now don't get me wrong, I know people that have gotten married at the court house, Vegas  churches and on the beach. And I'm not saying that if we did a court house special wedding that we wouldn't have all those things that I envisioned for my day... But I just don't think it would feel right. To me if you elope or get married at the court house. You are doing it that way for a reason. Not only because your too stinkin' impatient like I am! 

                  There are A TON of times, last weekend even I said to Mr B "lets just go get married it would make this process so much faster".  But then I get that sting of "but I want a wedding...". I am so excited to plan this wedding. I mean we already have a lot planned out. I mean the little things that we need to figure out like colors, flowers, reception ideas, a DJ that we want to use, the place we wanna use, the photographer. We have made all those decisions. But the real planning when we get closer to the date and when we make all the phone calls and put the deposits down and all that good stuff. I absolutely can not wait for that! I mean I get all excited like super dooper excited! 

Its just funny how something like a wedding can evoke all different emotions, I mean its scary, exciting, nerve wracking and fun all at the same time. How is that even possible? I don't know. I mean we aren't in a race here for how soon we get married. I would rather it be sooner rather than later but I mean we aren't millionaires, we have to save for our wedding. So here is my introduction back to Wedding Wednesday... A long deep heartfelt blog about how I feel when it comes to having an actual wedding. 

Off to get started on a special craft (blog to follow sometime soon)

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