Thursday, July 11, 2013

My car buying experience...

So before I was able to purchase the Sable I was going to go to a Hyundai dealer and purchase a 2004 Hyundai Elantra with like 18,000 miles or something like that on it. I mean it was almost too good to be true.... well wait let me rewind just a little bit....

I have been out of a car at this point for just shy of 9 1/2 months. So when I came across this ad  for the car that was UNDER $6,000 I was like well shit I can do that! Absa-frickin--loutley. So I make the first phone call when I get home from work it went a little something like this

Me "Hi I'm interested in the Hyundai Elantra for 5,991 that you have there would I be able to come loo at it?"
Lady ad dealership " Of course wen can you come down"
Me "Well I am definitely able to get there Saturday will that still be possible:
L.A.D"yeah that shouldn't be a problem, If something changes with the car I will email you, whats your email"
Me(gave my email)" Okay great I'll see you at 9 am"

Fast forward 15 mins... I called back

Me" Hi so instead of coming down Saturday I am able to come down tomorrow around 6 is that okay?"
L.A.D" That's even better I'll change the appointment to tomorrow at 6 and I will email you if the car leaves the lot for any reason."
Me" Okay great I'll see you tomorrow"

So all damn day I checked my email to make sure that the car was still there no emails everything is good to go...   right,  right ,  RIGHT.... wrong...

So we show up at the dealership and at this point its Me, and my future in-laws. Mr B was working...(Which in retrospect is probably a good thing because he would have gone ape-shit on this place)

So we walk in and I'm all excited which was my first mistake.. my rule #1 never, ever get your hopes up for something because it almost always wont turn out... Past experience just treat it like it happens all the time and then when it turns out to be awesome celebrate!...I digress... So the lady I spoke with comes down and starts talking and says this is Joe (Joe looked like this ...
...So for the rest of the story he will be known as Danny Divito or DD)

So DD starts talking and not to me the person with the appointment, he starts talking to my father-in-law(how rude right) "okay I have the Santa Fe all ready for you to look at." I stopped him right there. I said "Nope DD we are here for the Elantra this one" and pulled out the ad from the internet. He looks confused (thinking was not a strong suit here) So he takes us out and walks us through the lot and then back inside... Now at this point I know the car isn't there. I am no dummy.  

So he goes and is looking HARD on his computer for something to make it work.. It turned into a classic bait and switch DD came back over with a car that had over 110K miles and another car with over 80K miles both for more than $6,000. My father In-Law ripped him a new one basically telling DD that he is a liar and that he wasn't doing business and to start talking to me because I was the one selling the car. I told him that I was there for one car, that there I was told at least I would get an email if the car was no longer on the lot and that didn't happen I was not doing business and walked out. 

I don't think I ever heard so much studdering as I did from DD when we walked away from him. I never thought that I would fall victim to a bunch of dirty used car dealers on a legit dealership lot. But it has to happen at some time. Fast forward to today. I have a car that I bought the next day from a better place and an awesome Salesman! Needless to say If you are ever in South Florida stay away from Gettel Hyundai...

So there is my car buying experience hope the next one doesn't start out so eventful!

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