Wednesday, July 17, 2013

On the other line....

I'm sure you are looking at the calendar and thinking "wait just one second missy, its wedding Wednesday where are the wedding related rambles that I've come to love"

 Well dearest love flower, I have no wedding related rambles today. There just isn't much to ramble about that hasn't already been rambled... So I'm going to change it up a little and give you some tips and tricks... fun facts... or life lessons how ever you choose to look at them. 

Now don't get me wrong, I LOVE my job. I get to meet new people everyday for 8 hours a day. Its a pretty sweet gig I have here. But as a customer service representative here are the top things to remember when you're calling for help with something.

1.When you start out the call by blurting out the problem and then sitting there waiting for us to just give an answer will not help at all, Start with your name. And thennnnn go on with the speech of the issue you're calling about.
2. That person answering the phone did not a. kick your puppy b. eat your last cookie or c. drink the last yoohoo at the house...That being said please and I am stressing PLEASE don't yell at the person on the other line..I mean think about it, when you were a kid and your parents yelled at you how fast did you jump to do what they said... yeah think about that one...

And I'll finally wrap this up with 

3. Please dont ramble its hard enough trying to decipher what is being said. But if you are asked how to spell your name It should go something like this " R as in Robert- O as in Oscar- B as in boy- I as in indigo- N as in Nancy", It should not go something like this "R as in Robert- obi -N as in Nancy" I mean if you need to spell it out at least make sure we can get all the letters. (Note: Robin was used as a reference to HIMYM Mr B is watching while I blog, Not in reference to an actual person, place , or bird.. heh)

So there are just a few quick tips for what you should do when you call a customer service department...

Off to snuggle with my Fiance

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