Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wedding Wednesday!!!

                  Oh Em Gee! (yeah that just happened) Its bee wa-hayyyy too long since I have posted anything let alone a Wedding Wednesday bloggity blog!I have a feeling today is going to be a two-fer. Since I haven't blogged in oh...hmm...lets see about a month and a half. Ha I'm so slacking its not even funny. I will go into more detail in my next blog but we will start with none other than....

               "Why don't we just elope?" Don't think for a second that thought hasn't crossed our minds. Mr B actually said to me " It would make more sense to just do a court house special, and then when we can afford it have our wedding" and I Actually thought "That's not a bad idea." But almost instantlly as I got really sad, Like deep in my heart sad. I mean come on every girl is programmed from birth to think about their wedding day.  

Princess Ariel Married Prince Eric...
Cinderella Married Price Charming

                  Every little girl wants to feel like a Princess marrying their Prince. I've always imagined my wedding day. And I'm talkin' the whole 9! White dress, flower girl, the reception and then leaving with my husband to start our life as husband an wife. Now don't get me wrong, I know people that have gotten married at the court house, Vegas  churches and on the beach. And I'm not saying that if we did a court house special wedding that we wouldn't have all those things that I envisioned for my day... But I just don't think it would feel right. To me if you elope or get married at the court house. You are doing it that way for a reason. Not only because your too stinkin' impatient like I am! 

                  There are A TON of times, last weekend even I said to Mr B "lets just go get married it would make this process so much faster".  But then I get that sting of "but I want a wedding...". I am so excited to plan this wedding. I mean we already have a lot planned out. I mean the little things that we need to figure out like colors, flowers, reception ideas, a DJ that we want to use, the place we wanna use, the photographer. We have made all those decisions. But the real planning when we get closer to the date and when we make all the phone calls and put the deposits down and all that good stuff. I absolutely can not wait for that! I mean I get all excited like super dooper excited! 

Its just funny how something like a wedding can evoke all different emotions, I mean its scary, exciting, nerve wracking and fun all at the same time. How is that even possible? I don't know. I mean we aren't in a race here for how soon we get married. I would rather it be sooner rather than later but I mean we aren't millionaires, we have to save for our wedding. So here is my introduction back to Wedding Wednesday... A long deep heartfelt blog about how I feel when it comes to having an actual wedding. 

Off to get started on a special craft (blog to follow sometime soon)

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