Friday, July 19, 2013

Disney movie marathon?

Calling all kids cleverly disguised as adults!!

Admit it Disney movie marathon sounds pretty stikin' good doesn't it. I mean after a week that felt both shot and long at one time. And in this town there is NOTHING worth the money to do, calling to your inner child and watching Disney movies and eating ice cream and or having Starbucks sounds like a pretty good night. I mean I am a woman after all! I think as adults we are supposed to allow ourselves to be kids because there is no reason taking life too seriously, Spoiler alert-- No one gets out alive!
The trickiest part will be trying to convince Mr.B that HE also wants to watch Disney movies with me. Now let me just say I won the lottery with this man, He give back rubs(after hours of asking for one) and he cooks and he watches chick flicks. I mean I got pretty friggin' lucky with this man! He has done marathon shows with me you know that one AMAZING show about doctors Grey's Anatomy. Yep hated it before he watched it with me.. now? Hes hooked. So trying to convince him that he REALLY wants to cuddle and watch Disney movies with me wont be too hard... I hope..

Its just been one of those weeks, Headaches and stuffy noses and terrible sleeping habits have all joined a group that they wanted me to be miserable by the end of my work week. Its not a very nice group. I just need a down night, where we don't have to do anything but watch the stories of make believe, with unrealistic expectations for hair, singing fixes EVERYTHING and they all live happily ever after. I think I can handle that.

Off to convince my fiance that he wants to get lost in the land of make believe with me.

"Here you leave the world of today, and enter the world of yesterday, tomorrow and fantasy"- Walt Disney

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