Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Its a Christmas movie showdown

That's right folks, Its Christmas time again and we all know what that means. Christmas music is playing. Children are acting super sweet because of Santa, you're stress free and Christmas movies are on TV non stop. Weeeel at least two of those things are true, Fa la la la la .

On my way home from work tonight I said to Mr. B lets watch a Christmas movie. Which then ensued the usual well which one do you want to watch? Then you have to think, do I want to cry, do I want to laugh or do I want a classic.

We decided on non other than Home Alone and Home Alone 2. I mean come on cant go wrong with Home Alone

Its the feel good movie of Christmas time! And everyone knows all the lines because you've seen it A MILLION times. Its like Ralphie in A Christmas Story. You know hes gonna shoot his eye out! Fa ra ra ra ra, ra ra ra RA!

Lets be honest everyone loves watching Christmas Movies! Which is your favorite?

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Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Can I get a snow day?!

You know, 

I think living in Florida is just plain rude! I am a winter baby I need the snow in my life. I mean really. I live in the only, and I mean ONLY state in the country that is in the 70's+. I am not even kidding a little bit. And everyone on Facebook is putting up their "Winter Wonderland" pictures and im over here like hey its HOT AS HADES!

Last time I checked my calendar it was December 10th right!? Which means it should be a little bit cold . I am fortunate to be with Mr.B in or own place with a beautiful view. However I need the snow! Just like Christopher Walken needs More Cowbell!

I'm gonna go sulk in my living room with the AC cranked. 

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Monday, December 9, 2013

December Birchbox un-boxing

Well hello, 
This is going to be a super quick blog tonight because I'm Exhausted with a capital E. It was one of the longest days at work! 

Anywho, I came home and checked the mailbox and found my December Birchbox. I was super excited.

1.) Back of the box
2.) Side of the box
3.) Once I opened the shipping box the 
birchbox said Sparkle and Shine
4.) Once opened the card w/ description
5.) Inside the box
6.) All the products inside!

Inside the box the products are:
 Eslor skin care,
 Number 4 non aerosol hairspray,

 Super Good Correcting Creme,

, The honest company healing balm,
[don't see this product in my box :(  ]

and a gourmet Chocolate covered pretzel.
 Birchbox Phone wipe

So that's what was in my box.
What did you get in yours?

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Sunday, December 8, 2013

November Bride Box review... just a little late!

Well hello there lovely's-

I am a sucker for anything wedding related. I'm sure any recently engaged or married woman feels the same way.  I came across The Bride Box on instagram. Check them out here ( . This is no way an endorsement because, well lets be honest I dont have enough followers for an endorsement deal. HA! So back to the box... 

They give brides to be ideas for favors, products to try for their big day and craft ideas for $35.00 a month! When I came home this beauty was waiting for me

 So of course I ran in and opened the bad boy up.
 This is the inside of the box:

Believe me I was surprised with what was inside:

1.) Top left- What the box looked like when I opened it
2.) Top middle- Skin care samples
3.) Top Right- Sweating for the wedding razor top. 
I was super excited for this I was going to make one. Now I don't have to!
4.) Middle Picture- a sample gift bag
5.) Bottom left- A sample of a DIY Christmas ball
6.) Middle bottom- Candle sample smells so good
7.) Bottom Right-candle with the lid favor idea.

I am pretty dang excited to see what comes in December's box! You can also send them as a gift to a bride to be. Check them out.

Leave me a comment with your favorite Monthly box subscription.

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Saturday, December 7, 2013

Quick Christmas Craft

I love crafting as I talk about all the time, yet i had only done one craft blog. Well get ready for another one... This one was pretty easy, I am actually surprised that I was able to do it.

Finished Products
All I needed was a black paint pen, paint, canvas, two empty protein containers, cotton balls and a hot glue gun. 

First we will do the Santa and Elf:

I cleaned out the containers and prepared the paint to make a flesh tone. From there I painted out the heads and the eyes 

I used the black pain pen to frame the eyes, nose and mouths of both m Took the brown paint to make the hair and tried to make the elf look like an elf.
I took the cotton balls and hot glued them to the lid of the containers and for Santa I stretched out the cotton balls so they didn't look so awkward. Here is the finished product

I thought they looked pretty good for someone who can mess up a stick figure. 

The second craft I made was a canvas with a quote from The Grinch. Started out like this 
I took the paint pen and wrote the craft, longest part was waiting for the paint to dry

This took me a day to complete. I am so happy with them! 

What Christmas crafts have you done so far?

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Friday, December 6, 2013

Its a Photo Shoot!

So we finally had our engagement pictures done! We could not be luckier to have friends like the ones we have. I mean really, we lucked out. I will share a few from our photo shoot. I cant wait to put them all around our apartment!

I mean come on, we are a stinkin' good lookin' couple. If I do say so myself.

I ordered a book from Shutterfly (Thank you David's Bridal) and it is amazing. It came in the mail today 

Well I'll cut this short, since there is a lot of love in this post. I will post tomorrow. I promise!

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A quick Catch Up..

Dont get too comfortable because there will be another entry after this one...

That being said, Well hello there! I just read my last entry, and I think I need to dedicate myself to this a lot better than I have been. I mean I think I'm kinda funny, and I really like to craft. Our lives aren't too exciting as twenty somethings trying to make a way in the world for us. I may never have as many followers and funny blogs as Stephanie ad Southern Mess ( for real Check her out, she inspired me to blog! ) 

But I digress, Its funny because in my last blog post, like 3 months ago i was all "Lets hope its not too long now" and here we are December 5 and I am just doing another Entry. I do have another blog post that I want to post before the night is over.

I decided to change the title... to " From Beans with Love...". And I'm sure why did you rename your happy place From Beans with Love? Well Darlin' I'll tell ya. My nickname as a kid was Beans, and this name is A LOT easier to remember than the old one. 

So my sweet loves, I am going to make a conscious effort to blog more, I really like to blog and now that we are in our apartment hopefully I will have more craft posts.

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