Friday, December 6, 2013

A quick Catch Up..

Dont get too comfortable because there will be another entry after this one...

That being said, Well hello there! I just read my last entry, and I think I need to dedicate myself to this a lot better than I have been. I mean I think I'm kinda funny, and I really like to craft. Our lives aren't too exciting as twenty somethings trying to make a way in the world for us. I may never have as many followers and funny blogs as Stephanie ad Southern Mess ( for real Check her out, she inspired me to blog! ) 

But I digress, Its funny because in my last blog post, like 3 months ago i was all "Lets hope its not too long now" and here we are December 5 and I am just doing another Entry. I do have another blog post that I want to post before the night is over.

I decided to change the title... to " From Beans with Love...". And I'm sure why did you rename your happy place From Beans with Love? Well Darlin' I'll tell ya. My nickname as a kid was Beans, and this name is A LOT easier to remember than the old one. 

So my sweet loves, I am going to make a conscious effort to blog more, I really like to blog and now that we are in our apartment hopefully I will have more craft posts.

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