Monday, July 20, 2015

Mommy Monday.. am I doing it all wrong?

Happy Monday, at least for the next 33 minutes on the East Coast of the USA. I thought today I would do a Mommy Monday. 

I am a new mom, I mean pretty freeking new still. Magoo is about 10 months old and I consider myself new until he is 1. I cant help but feel like I am a mediocre mom. Maybe mediocre is not the right word. I feel like I could be a better mom. I mean my son is happy, He eats and loves to play and has a ton of people that love him. I guess in the internet first world I feel like I'm doing it all wrong. 

Every mom is different for instance I nurse Magoo, but i was formula fed. We buy the store brand diapers but I was in Pampers, I never went to daycare and Magoo was in at 2 months old. I guess I feel like I should be a more hands on mom. I mean I am there with him every night when he wakes up to nurse, Yes he still wakes up once a night. No i dont need to know how you got our baby to sleep through the night at 6 weeks old. 

I guess there are things I wish my Magoo did that I dont know how to help him figure out. Like sleeping through the night, We are trying to "sleep train" So when he goes to bed after ive seen him for 2 hours it breaks my heart to let him lay there and not pick him up but only pat him and tell him that mommy is here. I feel like I am doing him a disservice by going in and comforting him. 

Eating, this boy will share his food with you and also expect you to share with him. He HATES the bottle. He is getting the liquid gold I pump twice a day at work but he suddenly HATES the bottle. So now we are trying to figure out how to get him to have his milk besides nursing. I'm mommy, I should know how to get him to take the bottle. Or at least how to get his milk intake up. 

Nursing has also been a challenge when I had Magoo I NEVER saw a lactation consultant. NEVER once. The nurses didnt even help me with nursing. I have been figuring it out all on my own. I guess  I am doing a good job Magoo is a whopping 20 pounds and is happy as a lark. 

I dont know I guess as a first time mom I'm supposed to feel like I'm failing because my son is happy and healthy and has two parents that would give their lives for him and a ton for aunts and uncles and grandparents that would do the same. 

You tell me, how did you feel as a first time parent. Please tell me that I am not alone. 

Until Next Time... Do Good Things!

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