Thursday, July 23, 2015

sometimes I pump...

hey hey hey kids, i figured id go with the obvious here as a new mom that nurses. Sometimes, I pump! And let me tell you it is one of the most annoying tasks of nursing ever. I mean Magoo is sleeping so its not like he can nurse right now plus we nee to build the supply. but to be honest I'm not even sure I've been doing it right.

Magoo is gaining weight and we get great reports from his pediatrician but i never was given any helpful hints when he was born about making sure he was latched on and how long to nurse and all the right things to do. I don't know if this is more a mommy Monday type of blog but i couldn't care less. This week you're getting what ya get.  

I dont usually whip it out in public to nurse Magoo, I have been lucky enough to either feed him before or when we get home. Or I go to the family bathroom. I know it is my legal right to nurse my son wherever I am and be proud. But here's the deal. My choice to nurse is not your choice to see it happen. If you nurse in public that is awesome and I absolutely am in awe of you. I just could never get the nads to just whip it out.

Now dont get me wrong I have nursed my son at a restaurant right at the table as i ate we were covered and no one said a thing, if the would have well it would not have ended well, for them. But I just never was comfortable to do it while walking in a store that everyone knew what was going on. I have nursed magoo while he was in his ergo carrier so that no one could see.

I never had the day 1 second 1 here is how to latch and pump and make sure that you switch to the other side NONE OF THAT happened. My nurses were A JOKE. i still have some sadness when it comes to Magoo's birth. I will touch on that Monday, Long story short i felt like i was shoved in the back room and forgot about. I didn't even get to see MY obgyn, not even once. It was HORRIBLE.

Anyway back to where this all started. Pumping its not my favorite, I would rather just nurse.Its the time that I get with Magoo, no one else can do that for me. Its one on one time with my son we bond and its beautiful and I will never ever get that time alone with him ever again so I embrace it for everything it is worth. I don't know im literally rambling at this point about a subject that to me is a personal choice and i don't get into the you're great or you're terrible. Who cares what one mom does and another one doesn't do. We are all moms our choices for our own kids are great what ever they are. Love me or like me but I don't raise my kids to be how you want them to be. I raise them to not be little assholes you see on the street. and if that is done by nursing ever other one, well that's what I will do!

See this whole ramble session started because I had to pump and I didn't want to because its loud and sometimes it hurts and then the parts need to be cleaned and now its 11:04 at night and I just wanna go to bed. Good Lord what will happen when I really have something I was to get off my chest?

Until next time... Do good things!

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