Sunday, July 19, 2015

Im really bad at this...

So it has easily been over a year since I wrote a blog. and I've come to the realization that I am terrible at this! 

Really, really, REALLY terrible at it. But here come my excuses as to why I am terrible at this, Number 1 I had a baby and he takes all my energy by getting bigger and being adorable I mean look at this face how can you not fall in love with that smile.. He is just about 10 months old now and is literally the center of my world. 

Reason number 2 that I am really terrible at bloggin is that I work 2 jobs and the last think that comes to my mind at the end of the day is sitting down and blogging. because I highly doubt that anyone will want to sit and read about how I worked all day. 

Reason number 3 is that we are moving yet again. I swear after this move we are going to settle I am tired of moving all the time. Its almost like pointless to unpack every time,

Reason 4 is that I am STILL planning our wedding, I will try to do another blog on the plans for the wedding but lets be honest. It might not happen. Dont get your hopes up and then crushed when that blog either doesn't come or when it finally does show its ugly face is a year after we are married because I'm just not on my game.

And Finally

Reason 5 I dont think our lives are that interesting. we get up, we work, raise our son, and sleep. That is about it. I do some crafting here and there but honestly im not even sure anyone reads this silly thing. If you do read it leave me a comment and let me know its like we can be friends. 

We are trying to start a vlogging channel because that will be less time consuming, (HAHAHA) but we haven't edited any of the stuff we shot and its still sitting in the memory card feeling unloved. 

Listen, i can hardly spell (thank god for spell check), im not interesting in the least bit, and I an trying to figure out the whole mom thing. If you want to follow along while I attempt to track it all by all means please stay tuned. I may just have another one of these bad boys tomorrow.

That's another thing, how often are you supposed to post blogs? Once a day? Can you do more than one a day? Is there a rule about this? I demand to know the rules. 



Do i make the rules? That would be pretty cool....

Until Later..

Do Good Things!

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