Saturday, July 25, 2015

Saturday blues ...well grays

It is a rainy gray Saturday but I have been super productive. Like more productive than I have been in a while. Currently though I am sitting with magoo on a spare bed in my inlaws spare bedroom while he plays with some toy that Is Usually found at a doctors office. He is very into the toy so I thought I would throw a little word goodness atcha. You're welcome.this is literally going to be a rambling of just about anything. Again you're welcome

I love rainy days. I mean I really really love them. I don't even mind if I need to go out in the rain it's all good. I prefer rainy days, they are just my cup of tea. I am just sitting here trying to sell my couch. Anyone interested? Oh an dining room set and patio set. We need to get rid of them because we are moving once again, but this time we are moving back to PA. However we don't have room for this stuff so it's gotta go. Super frustrating let me tell ya. 

Tomorrow we have tuxes with he Florida bound guys that will be fun it's like this whole wedding planning thing is coming along . Today I had a makeup trial/girls day/bridal gift day. It was sweet two of my Florida bound bridesmaids have me a little something something for being a bride. I tell you  what , I have he best bridesmaids ever. Like for real they are 4 of the best people in the world and I am so absolutely lucky to have hem in my life. If any of you girls read this I love you so muc, my life would not be the same without you in it. 

I am starting to feel more bridal. Is that weird like it feels more like I'm becoming a bride even though Bret and I have lived together for the last 3 years and have a son it's like dude you're stuck with me whether you like it or not. Ha your loss on freedom. But it's getting real like not only am I going to be a mom but also a wife. I know that sounds corny but it's an awesome feeling. 

Right now I just wanna get in my comfys and snuggle and watch a movie any kind of movie once magoo is asleep. Otherwise it's Disney JR in our house.

Well magoo wants some milk, I think he's getting tired...

Until next good things!

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