Friday, August 26, 2016

Monograms are...

... A girls best friend! 

I could burst with excitement for this post. I have been waiting since August 1st to post this. 

I am beyond excited to show you my August Monobox! Because I mean lets be real I am still a newlywed and my new monogram still need to be in all of the things. So without further adue ( yes I try to sound fancy. And yes I kill it) here's my August Monobox. 

This little bag made it a great day!
As soon as I opened it this is what I found. 
ITS SO PRETTY! It's a canvas type of bag with leather straps and embellishments. The thread is a chocolate brown for the monogram. 

Pressie a inside... No pockets but that's ok I don't use them anyway :) 

This adorable note pad and brown polka dot pen are too cute! (It's a brilliant idea to subscribe!  ;) ) 

The wait for the box to arrive was a little frustrating but that's mainly because I am absolutely the most impatient person ever. 

However once it shipped it was here in 3 days! I of course was hounding the mailbox waiting! 

Check them out they have all different things clothes, jewelry, purses and a host of accessories.

If you get it also let me know how you like them!

As always...

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Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The funny thing about cysts....

... Is that they can grow back!

You never think about it really. You have a cyst, it gets drained. Boom, done. That's it. But that's not it at all.

No it's going to rear its ugly head again one way or another. In case you couldn't tell I'm talking about Gretchen. She has been putting on some weight as I have explained it. Not too much lately but enough to be noticeable to me again.In the pictures below you can see right after I had it drained on June 3, 2016 and then today August 2, 2016. almost 2 months exactly and its growing back. Um excuse me we did not approve of the refilling. This has gotta go!

I know I know, I should PROBABLY call he ENT and get another ultrasound. And I should probably talk to my husband about getting it removed but here's the thing. The idea of having surgery on my neck. Scares the beejesus out of me.

There I said it. I'm about 90% sure that they are going to need to take some of my thyroid. Cool I get it. But then I will have to take a pill everyday. I'm not that organized. I mean I can do it of course I can. But , uh what if they you know slip. Then I could have jacked up vocal cords. I mean I'm sure Bret wouldn't mind if I couldn't tak for a while, but these are the things I think about. I go to the worst case situation  FIRST and then go down from there.

Anyway since the last post about Gretchen and then the biopsy update I figured I'd give this one too. She is really becoming a pain in the neck... Ah... See what I did there?

Oh Gretchen, its just about time that we cut ties, I mean you have been there for all the big times in my life. But for real girl. Lets get this over with. You have got to go now!

Of course I will document the latest with Gretchen, I mean we all love to hate her!

As always....

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Saturday, July 30, 2016

I have a knack...

... For picking up little hobbies. 

Multiple hobbies all at once. And then I lay dormant for a while like an old volcano. Then one day I'm sitting here like, let's paint. No knit, oohh lets see a quilt. See where I'm going with this? Of course I but things that I don't need to craft with right now. But if it's on a screamin sale, well it would be silly of me not to buy it.

Example the paints at Michaels that were on sale 2 for $1.00

Did I need them? Nope, did I make myself believe that I needed them to justify buying them? I certainly did! So this whole trip to Michaels started because I found a new hobby I want to try out. Maybe get pretty good at it and then go from there. If been kicking the idea around for a bit, really deciding if I wanted to go for it or not.. And ultimately I decided yeah, let's try it. 

So I bough a beginners Calligraphy set! 

Again screamin sale I bought this bad boy for 55% off. I only tried it out a few times I need to sit and read he book and learn the basics and practice, practice practice. But I'm already loving it. The better I get the more stuff I will justify buying. Today while magoo is napping j will practice some more. 

Do you have any hobbies? What arethey  maybe I need to learn them too?! 

Until next time...
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Thursday, July 28, 2016

I havent peed...

... Without an audience in months! And the reason I tell you that is because I haven't had time alone long enough to finish this blog since before I wrote the last one. I know that sounds crazy. I write this on my phone in the few minutes in the morning before the boys wake up. Or in the bathroom at work. #classy! There is not much at all to catch up on. Mainly because I don't feel as though my day to day is all that
I had a whole get rich quick scheme in mind when I started to do this. I thought I will write a blog. It can't be that hard. Boy was I ever wrong. It's pretty hard to dedicate yourself to something like this. Especially when you don't see a reason for anyone ( even your husband, who you force) to read it. I'm completely honestly not that interesting. But I thought. I know I will start a blog and I'll be sassy, and funny and people will love me. They will forgive my run on sentences, and misspelled words. And I will possibly make some money doing this. Ha jokes on me. Because that only works if you work at it. Nothing comes free. Hot damn does that saying hold so true with this little hobby of mine.

I guess biggest news is..... Drum roll please. The biopsy results came back benign! That's right o just have a hitch hicker in my neck. I don't have cancer which is amazing. I have to go back in a year for another scan and to make sure that it doesn't turn the other cheek and become a jerk. That bein. Said The cyst has started to fill again. Amazing I know. But what does that mean? It means that I eventually need to make another appointment with my ENT to get it looked at and either drained, or removed. Who knows. But again good news is that it's just a hitch hicker.

What else? What else? Have you ever felt like ther is so much you want to say but then nothing comes to mind? That's me , at this very second. This has been sitting and waiting to be posted for probably 4 weeks. And I have opened it and looked at it. The little curser has blinked at me like " hey finish me" but I just haven't felt like there was a way to end this post. So right now I am sitting with my best guy. We are watching the good dinasour. He is eating a cookie , and I am typing away.  It's funny how quickly a toddler will change his mind. Now he is outside splashing in a puddle. Not a worry in the world. And he's having a blast! I want to be like him when I grow up. So happy and full of love.

I will try to be more regular, and hopefully I will find a way to dedicate myself to this better. It's not gonna be what I want it to be without me. So it's time to figure it all out I guess.

Until next time...

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Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Sometimes people....

...suck and its okay!

Ive been thinking of what i want to post today. And i have a few other blogs in mind. But I guess what i want to do is a write a letter to me. A letter my older self. Like a this is where i am now letter. I feel like Brad Paisley....

So... here goes....

Oh hey!

This is awkward but that's okay. We are pretty awkward most of the time. Its what makes us adorable. This isn't going to be much of a letter but more of a words of advise from me to me at the ripe old age of 26. We have lived somethings that other people couldn't imagine. We have experienced loss, love, let down, parenthood and a host of other things. Its crazy to sit here now and think of the think i want you to remember when you look back at this, but here's the most important thing. Are you ready?

People suck, and its okay. They are going to hurt your feelings. They are going to make you laugh. Some of them will use you, and you may use some of them. But keep it real with them, Remind them where their place in your life is when you need to but always remember the proper place and time. You're going to make friends and lose friends, and some of them will be dicks to you without you having any idea why. Its okay, they have their reasons and honestly. Fuck'em, if that's how they want to be. It shows more about their character than it does yours. make sure you keep making time to date your husband. And keep that baby happy. Hes the center of our world, i think that's why we are writing this letter right now, this is everything i want to tell Magoo one day. You have the few true from high school , that actually stuck around. They are all getting married and it's wonderful your circle is growing embrace it all. Remember to make time for them even if its only a quick text saying hello. You'll realize how important it is to have the closeness of friends one day.

Remember to give everyone a chance. You don't know their story. Keep loving with all of your heart. Never ever let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent. And remember to not get eaten by a shark, you promised. Keep the closeness of family dear to your heart always. You were blessed with a big family, and it has grown since getting married remember to welcome all new members with open arms, they might not be blood but their yours now. Keep telling your self this too shall pass, and stop sweating the small stuff. There's a bigger picture you just have to take the time to notice it. Life's scary right now, its okay. The unknown is scary. You have that support you need. Embrace it.

Don't dwell, move on stop holding grudges. Again those people aren't worth it. If they love you today, they will love you 10 years form now, for different reasons. But in the end we are all getting out the same way. Stop worrying about who does what and embrace everyday like it is your last. laugh a little louder and love a lot stronger. You will love yourself more for it.

Be the wonderful,crazy, loud, a little strange and awkward person you have always been.

Keep kickin' ass, you're doing a great job so far.

Until next time....

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Friday, May 20, 2016

Let's talk....

Listen I know what you're going to say. You're going to tell me I promised that I wouldn't fall from the face of the earth. That I said I would stick to a schedule and then I just disappeared.

best snuggles ever
To be fair, you're right. But in my defense.... I was hogtied in the back of some van tired* see picture to the right.... And there's a little human that demands every bit of my attention when I am awake and let's be honest, He deserves all of that and more. And well I have a little story to tell you in order to make it all okay and for you to forget forgive the fact that I completely fell far from the face of the earth. There's a little back story and some suspense. I know what you're thinking. This is going to be so... Boring. And, well you're probably right. HOWEVER it's something I've wanted to do for a long time like years and I'll explain why I haven't and then we can all feel warm and fuzzy again inside?

So, whaddya say? Deal? Deal!

Okay so it all started in 2011, I went for my horrible dreaded   Wonderful annual exam, ladies you know what I'm saying, gents. You will NEVER understand. Anyway the doc was checking my throat and was like hmm I feel a lump. Now when I say lump it was a nice little friend. Not too big but not teeny tiny either. It was on the left side of my neck/throat and I have no idea how long it was hanging out.  She said lets make an appointment with your pcp to get that looked at,. Thus began the last 5 years of life. I went to a primary Doctor that recommended me to an endocrinologist. For those of you who don't know endocrinologists are specially trained physicians who diagnose diseases related to the glandsNow the first word she used was the scariest word I have ever heard. Cancer. She told me if it is cancer it's the easiest to cure they just cut it out and then I'm good to go. At first I was like ok this doctor isn't going to sugar coat anything. She's gonna give it to me straight. So we made the second appointment for a cat scan with contrast, which literally makes you feel like you are peeing your pants. Remember to pee first because you never know.

After the cat scan we made to appointment for the  second word that makes me nervous biopsy. I had 6 little needles stuck into my neck. But the bad boy on the left side of my neck decided to be a bitch and not cooperate. We tried to drain that guy twice. If you're counting that was sticks 4 and 5 stick number six was with an ultrasound to guide the needle into the mass.

Much to the doctors dismay Gretchen as she has been named since then was not filled with fluid, she was filled with mass and would drain. " well it's not hurting anything right now." Okay sure it's not even bothering me so we're good. I go back for the biopsy results which lets be honest if you hVe ever waited for biopsy results it's like the longest time of your life. You're waiting to hear the word benign. It's right up there with the words "happy hour is 2 for 1". Some of the best words you will heard or at least it was for me. But here's the thing. I hate going to Doctor. To be completely honest I only go now because I have a kid and my husband guilts me into it. Damn kid always making out to be a better person ;) .

Anyway, I went for a second opinion, because, I'm not that trusting of people. So the second opinion was amazing! Turns out I knew a ton of people that worked in the office which made me feel so comfortable to begin with. This doctor said lets get labs and an ultrasound to take a look. So that's what we did. She came back with the same answer. If it's not bothering you there's no rush to do anything. Of course if it gets bigger, then we wanna to look at it. Okay, cool.

This lump, goiter, nodule whatever it is has been a little hitchhiker since then. The problem is that now it's growing. After Magoo was born it increased drastically. But the catch is that if you don't know about it, you can't even see Gretchen knows how to be discrete. What a bitch. Let's fast forward 4.5 years because we didn't do anything about Gretchen in the meantime. I went to a pcp in July of 2015. They did an ultrasound and took blood "oh yeah I see fluid and debris" ... Thanks, that's comforting. "But your thyroid is functioning just fine, but I want you to see an  ENT" again for those who don't know an ENT specializes in ears, nose and throat.  So this doctor says and I wish I was kidding "I'll just cut it out, and part of your thyroid and you'll do be fine, won't need any medication or anything" okay so I'm no expert, but I don't think it worlds like that. AND I'm moving 1000 miles away next week. He was totally cool with that. Then reminds me oh yeah but you have to pay 500 first then I'll do it. So thanks, but no thanks I'll wait. Gretchen has been with me since I was 21. We've bonded.

So now here we are, may of 2016 I have a new job with great health insurance and we are starting the process all over again. More labs and ultrasounds and ENT appointments and biopsies. And the word cancer was thrown back out there. So, do we think I have cancer, not so much right now. Is that a possibility ABSOLUTELY. Will we know anything until after the other word I hate, the biopsy, nope we won't. All I do know is that I have a tiny human, who depends on me to make sure that I am 100% at my best. So now we wait for the biopsy, and try not to think of the what if's and we STAY AWAY from Doctor Google. And focus all of my attention on Magoo, you remember him right?

Because it's a scary thing the unknown, but I know that I have an amazing support system regardless of what the biopsy says and regardless of weather I have the nasty c word or just have a hitchhiker forever.

I'm learning to find the positive side of everything. And that everything does happen for a reason. So I'm starting my story here, maybe there are others out there with the same experience. Welcome! Pull up some rug and hang out.

I'm not he best poster, but I'm Workin on that. Let's be patient okay.

I hope that little story will allow you to forgive me for being so rude and ignoring you for what feels like forever!

Until next time...
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Saturday, January 16, 2016

A quick Little...

...DIY project..( and fun surprise at the end )

So I have wanted to make something for Magoo's space that we could use in his room as he gets older, and then throughout the house when he is a teenager and is sick of it.

The inspiration:  

We went to A.C.Moore. I love that store it's right up there with Hobby Lobby for my top 2 craft stores. They have amazing deals and prices all the time! 

I saw the glass blocks and lights on an end cap. Of course it caught my attention like a shiny object. 

($5.00 on sale originally 6.97)


Okay it is super easy to do this but first make sure that the opening is on the bottom.  

Remove the backing of the vinyl that your purchased and place it onto the glass cube. 
 Use a crafting stick ( or a pencil) to transfer the vinyl to the glass. 

Remove the white and then put the lights inside.

Turn it on to check it out. 

Violá you are done!

Like I said it was incredibly easy. Took me all of 10 minutes to do. and cost roughly $11.00 to complete, people are selling them for roughly $20.00 or more. 
I love it and can't wait to put in in Magoo's Room!

Now for the surprise, I was introduced to Erin Condren planners by none other than Nikki (Honest Fox Blog) I bought one for my birthday. A gift to myself, and now I'm giving you a gift too. Follow this link and save $10.00 off your order!

Seriously check it out, I can't wait until mine shows up and I will for sure post a review!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Until Next time...

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

We had our first....

..Snow fall!

And my snow bunny was out there playing in the snow. He LOVED it!

It was super windy and also 7 at night. Bret was home with man flu... and all of a sudden it was a frickin winter wonderland outside.

We watched the snow for a good 10 minutes. Then we all got bundled up and went out to play. Bret watched from the door with his parent on face time to see Magoo in the snow for the first time. It was fun! I am a true winter baby! I love the snow and all things cold.

It made my week!

I will keep this one short just like the snow we had.

Until next time, say warm and...

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Christmas was...

... so much fun!

Lets be honest..... this blog has been sitting neglected for the whole holiday season! I know, and I am sorry. But like we all say Life Happens right. Let me try to wrap our Christmas and new years here in a few short paragraphs. 

It was Magoo's first Christmas that he understood what was going on. We had the Elf on the shelf that we looked for every morning, and we taught him what Santa says "oh oh oh" he says it backwards but he's 1 and its adorable. (#don'tjudge)  Now I know all of the readers here don't celebrate Christmas. In my family we celebrate Christmas and Hanukkah. The holiday's are about family. So whatever you celebrate, I hope you enjoyed it.

For Christmas Eve we usually have an open house, anyone that wants to stop by is more than welcome, we exchange gifts to brothers and sisters, or aunts and uncles that we wont see on Christmas. It is a tradition that we started years and years ago. We would all go to church and then come back to our house and everyone would visit with my Mam-Mom (grand-mom). We would have dinner and then once everyone left, hang our stockings, read the night before Christmas. This year was Bret and Magoo's first Christmas Eve with my family. We had lived in Florida for the past 3 years, so he got to experience a Christmas in PA. I tried to incorporate his families traditions to make  him a little more comfortable. I know how it is being far away from your family for the first holiday season. Its hard, it sucks, and you just don't want to.

Christmas, was Christmas. We woke up too early, opened presents that we got each other and for Magoo along with gifts sent from our family in Florida, then we went up to the kitchen and started cooking my breakfast casserole (recipe to come) . This was all before 7:30, I call that a Christmas miracle! Magoo held strong until around 1030 then he needed a nap and slept for a good 3 hours. He's getting so big!

Then we all opened presents and we relaxed. Fast forward 2 days and we had the Day after Day after Christmas party. It was great getting to hang out with some cousins that we haven't seen since the wedding. There were ugly Christmas sweaters, football and catch phrase. It was a really good time.

Now here I sit January 13th 2016 I cant believe that the holidays are over. But there are better things to come along this year! New Jobs, vacations, weddings, babies (not mine) but its all good things happening this year!

I hope 2016 is great for you too!

Until Next time...

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