Thursday, February 28, 2013

Moving sucks!

I think we can all agree here that moving sucks soooo bad! It sucks even more when you have to wait 2.5 days until you can unpack your moving truck because you cant leave the town your in because of work. And even more than all that. it sucks knowing that everything you own aside from clothes will be in a storage unit until further notice. Positive things  the fact that we are getting out of a town we dislike and going to a town that we have our people in. There is no part of moving that is fun at all. Unless you get to buy all new things for your house, or wherever you are moving too. But I don't have that luxury for 2 reasons, its not our house and we cant afford all that... (Ain't nobody got time for that). We have strarted our moving process and so far it is a 2 day project started yesterday, continued today and finished this weekend. Why cant moving companies be less expensive so that I can hire someone to do it for me. I do not enjoy this kinda thing. I like unpacking and putting everything in its new home. The end. lol

Oh and the exhaustion sucks so bad too, gotta get up all extra early. thennnn gotta beat the living hell out of your body until further notice. Its just terrible. But we are surviving it! 

I just wanted to stop by and leave a little note that so far B and I have not fought, broken up, or said we hated each other. LOL

hope you are all doing fantabulous! 

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Weekend Wrap Up!

OMG its already Monday!! 

I'm so sorry its been a good few days since I have blogged! Things are getting CRAZAYYYY around here. We have just about our whole house packed! (insert hallelujah choir here) we only have the bathrooms and pantry in the kitchen to finish and the house is packed. I cant believe how much we had/have and that it seems like there are so few boxes. 

That was how our weekend started. With packing which is friggin awesome. my closet has been taken over by boxes and suitcases full of space bags and clothes! and I literally have enough shoes to fill a LARGE box.. who really needs that many shoes. and to top it all off. I dont wear most of them. They are for if and when we need to get all fancy schmacy so they got to stay! so HA i win! 

After taking a break from bowling we went to a Cuban restaurant called GORDOS they have THE best sauce for their sammiches. I want the recipe for it.. haha 
We went bowling with our friends on Saturday and the first lane we got was broken. It wouldn't let anyone but B bowl and it wasn't keeping score it was bad news bears from the beginning. So then we got switched to a new lane. But in the meantime we were told that when we were done to go up to the counter and we would get free games. Lets face it. We are NOT the best bowlers I think I broke a 60 ha! The guys did pretty good but is girls didn't get over a 70. But spending a rainy Saturday night bowling with good friends trumps sitting at home stressing over what we need to do. Anywho moving on, after we got done bowling K and I went up and got our free games which was friggin sweet! and the perfect end to a night is Olive Garden!
Then sunday was more packing followed by the Oscars, and INSOMNIA! I literally went to sleep at 10:30 this MORNING! It was insane!

But that is our weekend wrap up. Im sorry I havent been updating but this week is gonna be rough one for me to update considering we are moving and what not the 27-1 I frickin hate moving!

Gonna try to get a good nights sleep tonight!

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Tonights the Night

Tonight is the night that I am actually going to start my share of packing responsibilities. One of the only things that makes this actually fun for me to do is the fact that we bought color/room coordinated tape!

 Yes i got excited to buy it. Why on earth does tape excite me? Welly sillys because it not oly is different colors but it says what room it goes into and seeing that we are going to need a storage unit it will help us when we get our own place. B has started the majority of the things that needed to be packed. When I helped pack this is the amount that I was willing to do before I wanted to stop.

 But now its time that I sit down and turn on some music and get out the bubble wrap and start to wrap and pack the picture frames, and the desk in the office and all my junk that we have in the room. It wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have such a obsession with picture frames and have like 50 of them, plus things I have made plus things we bought. Its amazing the amount of things that we acquire after living together for almost a year.

We have like almost no time left to pack and I cant keep putting off the inevitable. Starting tonight I am actually going to start sleeping so that I don't want to nap during the day 4.5 hours just doesn't cut it anymore. I really hope that I get this stuff done and I don't actually start painting my nails like I usually do.

And B if you ever read this, Thanks for packing up the boxes you already started doing. Love you ;)

Sticking pens in my hair and getting started

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Tuesday, February 19, 2013

40 days and 40 nights...

Its lent in our house in the sunshine state, and boy oh boy do I wish we had given something else up for lent. I think its the knowing that you can't have something that makes you want it more. We gave up fast food, and I took it a step further and gave up soda also. B cant handle that much so hes hanging on to his soda intake. You know how its been a long time since you had something so the idea of having a lobster dinner is pretty good. But then its the fact that you can have the lobster dinner at any time that makes you not want it. We were deciding what to have for lunch, and being that our house is majority boxes we aren't going food shopping so the thought of running to Whataburger, or Wendy's or Taco Bell, sounds amazing. Then its the well what are you thinking you want and at that point you remember oh that's right. we CANT have it and as soon as you say the word can't you can taste the damn food in your mouth.

What is the point of the release of the inner fat kid for this blog entry. It is that right now at 2:51 pm I haven't had breakfast, lunch and have NO idea what we are gonna have for dinner. and the only thing i can think that I want is a doritos locos taco from Taco Bell. I mean lent is kick starting me getting off the fast food train. I have a wedding dress that I am gonna want to look as good as I can in. And its saving money. yay for saving money, but boo for the fact that we don't know what were gonna eat! We can run to the store and get dinner but I really dont wanna do that. B just made a pizza so looks like I will have left overs for lunch but its a pain in the ass.

Haha! I just read back over the whole blog and it is pretty funny that today's entry was supposed to be about something else entirely but I forgot what it was supposed to be and it actually I am avoiding the real things I'm supposed to be doing. Damn I'm a procrastinator. I guess I'll go heat up some pasta and get to work! 

Have a good one, and if you get the chance Have a taco for me!

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Monday, February 18, 2013

I thought it would be easier

You know, I thought blogging would be easier. It always seemed to be a simple thing to do. Think of something witty  clever or interesting and write it down, people read it and then follow to see what you'll come up with next. Its really not that easy. I'm sitting here, supposed to be working, and helping my fiance pack up our house so that we can move next Friday and the only thing I can think of is how I thought the idea of blogging was easy. I wasn't looking to do this for money or partnership or anything like that. But when you read other people's blogs and see what they have to say, then return to your own and see how not up to par AT ALL it is. Man oh man is that a blow to your ego.

 This isn't a ploy to get more viewers because I don't think anyone reads this silly thing. But If anyone does read it, leave me a comment on some suggestions to blog. Once we start really planning the wedding I will blog more about how that process is going, when i start cna and phlebotomy school I will blog about how that is going, and I will blog about crafts that I make. But right now none of that is happening in my life. The crafting is on hold because we are moving, and the schools are in the town we are moving too. Maybe I can blog about pas crafts I have completed. Who knows I just don't know what exactly I should blog about. Maybe the next one will be full of wisdom because we all can tell this entry is lacking... ha!

More soon
Thanks to anyone that reads this, I do appreciate it!

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Friday, February 15, 2013

A Lot to do, and NO time to do it!!

So Hey!

I just wanted to stop on by and say hello to the maybe 3 people that read this besides myself.. haha There are about a million things happening at the current moment and NOT a lot of time to get these things done. For starters we are moving! yay, cheer, start the band music. We can't get out of this god forsaken town fast enough. My cherub like demeanor cant handle this damn place anymore! We will be around friends and family. I already have a girls night planned. This is one place I didn't want to move to but did for love.. (dawwwwww) That being said we now have to start packing our house/condo/dwelling/ cave/what have you  oh and we are leaving town in ... drum roll please....14 days! yes that is 2 weeks! Are you kidding me I mean that will give us more time to get things packed. the fact that there will be 2 of us packing this time and B is REALLY good about getting things done for me when I am working during the day. So that is a MAJOR help. We got the boxes today because we can get to the boxes we have because our dickhead  super busy landlord hasn't gotten over here to give us what he thinks is the spare key to the storage shed room closet thing. 

So while we are waiting to get the hell out and never look back move down south if I am not working, and having an anxiety attack because of what we are dealing with house/living wise I am browsing on YouTube and this hilarious website called GrruGossip. This website is a joke, I very much disagree with what these people have to say about only one mother on there. The one that I watch and enjoy seeing her videos they talk smack about I am not a part of the site I just lurk or troll or what ever the hell its called now a days. But The other two women that they bash that I watch I have to agree with 99.9% of what they say. I actually find  myself watching their videos and then going on the website to see if the things that annoy me annoy the other people that watch them. Its becoming a new routine. haha!

While I am on the subject of surfing the internet the other new site that I have become a frequent visitor of is... The Knot! and that would be because we are ENGAGED!!! It happened the 10th of February. I still cant believe that we are engaged, It feels like a joke. ha. B did the honorable thing and called my mom and step dad for their blessing and then when we were talking to my dad he asked him too but at that point we were already engaged. And the way it happened is totally us too. So we went out to lunch and when we came home B said there was something upstairs for me. Now I being the blonde at heart that I am I was like uh how we just got home. So I made B come with me because I didnt know what I was looking for but he told me when I saw it I would know. So we played the Hot/Cold/Hide-n-seek I asked if it was everywhere, In the closet, under the mattress, Under the bed, in his pillow, in my dresser in the bookcase, in his dresser. His response "I dont know look for it". So I went through his drawers and when I found it I squeeled because I knew what it was. He took me by the hand,( took off my promise ring) and said " You are my best friend, I love you for all your forms. You make me the happiest man in the world, *got on one knee* CAL(said my full name) Will you marry me?" And of course I  was like "OMG WHAT YESSS!!!!" Then when he told me my mom said she would be honored if he was her son in law I lost it.  So thats when it became FBO ( facebook official). We are planning for a longer engagement, so that we can save some money. Im okay with that, there is no rush to get married. We want to enjoy being engaged for a while. 

Heres the picture of the ring

So thats what has been goin on with us. Lots of wedding, moving, changing talk goin on. And while it is crazy and wild, Its my life and I wouldnt change it for the world!

Talk to you all soon


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