Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hurry, Time is running out!

So Hey!!

Its Saturday night and boy was this week complete Shit... Too many things went wrong that one thing going right barley shows through... For starters my car is completely dead... R.I.P Iley the Infinity.. we had a good run.. it was an old car, and the tranny went... It was bound to happen. And now I can save to get my dream car a Jeep. Yes a Jeep. They are sexy and I would kill for one! So now that is our goal among other things that we are trying to juggle right now. 

I had a moment where I was hating life. Like I said this week has been shit. I am getting a cold.. wonderful... its just been one thing adter another. I need a break. I need a sign that something will turn around. Anyone want to donate to the Cloftus car fund? It would be greatly appreciated. So I dont really have much to update this week. Basically because it was so emotionally tiring that I just dont want to rehash it tonight. I want to move on from it. 

We have everything ready for the in-laws to get in town on Wednesday so thats good! one thing done! 

Anyway just wanted to do a quick update, Im surviving but its hard, but that which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your family!

Much Love

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