Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, Monday... Not so fun day!

Well Hello There!

So, the past two days have been Crazay!! Yesterday Sunday (11/4/12) was daylights savings, as if that doesn't mess up your system we added cramping and soreness from the past few days on top of it.. But we got A LOT done. We cleaned and rearranged our room. It looks really good. One thing I wanted was that when you came upstairs you weren't looking at our bed because I don't make the bed everyday. Its usually just getting up and starting our day. I not June Cleaver here... ha! So anyway, we cleaned the room I found a new craft to make and I cant wait!!!! Its for over our bed, its going to be three canvases and on one of them it will say My Love, the second will say My Friend and the third will say My Soulmate. I thought it would be cute, and I found it as vinyl sticker. But this way we can take it with us where ever we move to. So thats pretty cool.

After we finished upstairs we started to tackle down stairs. We did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room, B changed light bulbs it was a long day. So now we have a few more loads of laundry left. I hate laundry I really do. If there was a way for it to fold and put its self away then I'd love it. I don't mind putting it in the washer and then switching it. But that last part the folding DRIVES ME INSANE!! I cant stand that part. I think what makes it worse is that we have TOO MANY clothes. Way too many and B has more than I do. Which is just insane. But then again I hate clothes shopping so it does make sense. We set up some stuff for Thanksgiving so that's helpful one less thing to do later in the week. All we have left to do is the floors, office and bathrooms. I have 3 that I have to clean somehow I get the honor of doing it. But ah well its needed considering we will be having guests and the one bathroom is only used when B shaves because the counter is bigger. So thats fun...

Tomorrow is insanity again, Today was a struggle I was hurting but I didn't quit I was digging deep and sticking with it. It was a tough one too, we did pure cardio, which if you haven't done INSANITY is jogging, jumping, push ups, push up jacks,and just a bunch of craziness that is straight for like 30 mins you break if you're gonna die but there aren't any like water brakes. Thennnnnn we had 15 mins of Cardio abs. Which is amazing!!! It totally works the abdominal muscles. some of the stuff sucks like for one my arms are not long enough to reach in front of my glutes in the position that we have to sit so I make it work. 

But all in all we have had a good Monday, work, cleaning and the usual weekday life. 

Hope you had a great Monday!

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