Saturday, November 3, 2012


Hey Everyone!

So today we went to the Greek Food Festival, it was interesting. I am not a fan of foods that is different or super new. But I was a trooper B bought me a Gyro (yee-ro). and after we got a new one because mine came with a hair in it.. and no I didn't win a prize. I tried it and it wasn't bad. I ate most of it and gave the last few bites to B. So we walked around there wasn't much to see at all. maybe 3 or 4 booths with stuff to look at and that sums it up. B bought me a necklace because he loves me. Its cute has two wings and a heart. I have a thing for the wings on necklaces. 

After we left the Greek Festival we decided to do Shopping!!! D took us out close to Thomasville, GA. We had a good day, got a wreath hanger, walked around about 7 stores. Then the highlight of the whole day. We drove up to the Florida/Georgia boarder. I was so excited I pulled an "Walk to Remember" moment and   took a picture in two places at once.. yes I am that nerd.

So since we were out and about all day we didn't get to finish INSANITY today. That will have to be tomorrow.. I'm okay with that... for one my feet hurt, second I'm sooo sleepy, and C.) its kinda late right now. and 4.) we have to figure out dinner.

So that's a little update on our lives. Im sure there is something else that could go in here and make a nice long blog. But i cant remember just at this second what I want to tell you...ha

Have a great weekend!
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