Friday, November 2, 2012

Its Friday!!

Hey everyone!!

So its Friday November 2, 2012 and I decided last night that I was going to be proactive with Christmas gifts since I am making a majority of them. I already have one done just need to frame it and the second is just about finished need some more info and then the frame. Thank god for Pinterest or I would be so helpless for Christmas this year.

I am also going to start on a few wreaths for our front door as well as decorations in the house. And they will also be christmas gifts. I am so extreamly happy that i decided on doing crafts for gifts. It is something that no one else has. It is original, and personal. That is the main reason I like it. 

I am also going to make two fleece no sew tag blankets. Sounds pretty hard but I watched a couple tutorials on YouTube( shocker right) and it seems pretty easy so that is another gift that is going to be made. I thought of a pretty good idea, taking a plate and or a picture frame( bugger than 8 x 10) and personalizing it as a decoration for the house. That one is going to take a little bit and a lot of paint...ha

So last night was a bummer of a night all because of a TV show, I am a huge Greys fan! Huge its bad news, and we decided that right after the new season started to already have two weeks where we have to wait for a new episode. One week was because of the Debate, and the second was because of the CMA awards. Now the older I get the more I dont understand award shows. If it is the Emmy's or Oscar's we all know the winners, what show or movie is doing really good? They are the winners. The CMA's and Grammy's are for music artists, people who have HITS on the radio. This award show is to pat them on the back for doing their job?!?!?!?!?! Why would I watch this? Is anyone going to come pat me on the back and give me an award for cleaning my house and or doing the dishes and laundry? NO. Its a mess...

So tomorrow ends week 3 of Insanity, I cant wait!!!!!

Have a good one
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