Saturday, November 10, 2012

So hey.. its Saturday!

Hello Again

So its Saturday night at around 8:50 ish.. I say ish because its not exactly 850 as I type this and by the time I'm finished it will be after.. so we are going with the ish... Any who.. I was trying to make this a daily blog, but lets be honest my life is not that interesting. And not only that there isn't much that happens daily. besides the usual woke up, worked, had meals, breathed fresh air, went to bed. Rinse and Repeat. so that being said I am thinking this is going to become a weekly blog because its just easier to wrap everything up Saturday night when we are just relaxing and I'm surfing the internet and B is getting his weekendly dose of football and or video games in. 

Okay there I said all that business time to stroll along to something else...

So Thanksgiving is coming up soon.. like within the next two weeks. So we have to finish straigtening up and cleaning the kitchen. And the kitchen entails A LOT of work because i will be cleaning out the fridge and what not. Oh yeah and our dishwasher broke.. no I don't mean my hands..  I mean the appliance. Its horrible we ran it one night and it overflowed all over the floor into the hallway. So we stopped it and cleaned the mess up with my freshly clean towels. Then we decided to try it again hoping we could get the yucky water out of there because it friggin reeks when we open the damn thing. Ha jokes on us it did it again, and again we used my freshly clean towels to clean up the mess.. The dishwasher hates me. Its simple this is the third time it has overflowed, Underflowed? it cam out of the bottom of the door, so leaked is what we'll go with. Makes more sense, so that is what we are dealing with. The in-laws will be here sometime Wednesday A.K.A Thanksgiving- Eve.. so that is our end date to get everything done that needs done.

On top of the dishwasher hating me my car decided it wasn't into the mood to like me either and the transmission is going. Do you know how much that sucks?!?!?! It sucks A LOT. Today as I was driving on a fairly busy street, the car decided it was done accelerating. and I coasted into a turn lane came to a complete stop then it was like okay I'll go again...R U D E . I was so pissed B kept telling me to relax there really isn't anything we can do about it right now. And hes right, but don't tell him I said that. There really is nothing we can do about it. I just put new fluid in the damn thing, and the car is old enough to know that its not worth getting a new transmission. So that is just friggin peachy right now! The last thing we need is to be a one car household. I don't like driving his truck but I will have to if I don't have a car.

But with it being close to the holidays I am greatful for everything we have and everything we have yet to receive. 

Good things are going to be coming, especially to those who wait...

Have a great weekend, and a wonderful Veterans Day tomorrow. Thank the Vet's in your life for protecting us!

Talk soon
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