Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Getting in the Christmas Spirit

Hello you beautiful people-

As you can probably tell I am in a much better mood this blog. It feels like forever since i have blogged. But I think its only been like a week. Ha!

So we are getting all ready for Christmas in our house. I love this time of year. Its gonna suck because B has to work and ill be alone on Christmas eve. But on Christmas he will be home so that totally works! I have almost all of my shopping done because I made most gifts. Lol that works right. We have our tree almost all done, we are waiting for my hallmark ornaments to get here and we have to get a star and then its complete. Falalala.

So there is nothing new going on at all! Oh wait there may be something new going on. There is a chance that my car is being sold. We put a thingy-ma-bobber (technical term) on craigslist and have a few people that want to look at the car so I have to call them (uugghh). So that pretty awesome. But other then that there isnt anything new for real this time. Working, sleeping, eating, bathing. repeat. The end

So that's the biggest update here. Dont you all feel so informed. Ha!

Talk to you all soon
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Monday, December 3, 2012

Its been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad week!

So hey,

I have had nothing nice to say about anything and everything. Its been a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad few weeks actually. Thanksgiving was nice, i could have done without ALL the football. But cant change that now. Oh well, its been over a week since that has happened. I just don't have the urge to do anything to put myself in a positive mood. I literally just deleted almost 2 paragraphs of woe is me bullshit about how I'm miserable and its Christmas time and I want to see my family, and I'm just grumpy so that's all. 

Hopefully I'll be chipper again soon, but i wouldn't hold my breath.
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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Hurry, Time is running out!

So Hey!!

Its Saturday night and boy was this week complete Shit... Too many things went wrong that one thing going right barley shows through... For starters my car is completely dead... R.I.P Iley the Infinity.. we had a good run.. it was an old car, and the tranny went... It was bound to happen. And now I can save to get my dream car a Jeep. Yes a Jeep. They are sexy and I would kill for one! So now that is our goal among other things that we are trying to juggle right now. 

I had a moment where I was hating life. Like I said this week has been shit. I am getting a cold.. wonderful... its just been one thing adter another. I need a break. I need a sign that something will turn around. Anyone want to donate to the Cloftus car fund? It would be greatly appreciated. So I dont really have much to update this week. Basically because it was so emotionally tiring that I just dont want to rehash it tonight. I want to move on from it. 

We have everything ready for the in-laws to get in town on Wednesday so thats good! one thing done! 

Anyway just wanted to do a quick update, Im surviving but its hard, but that which does not kill us makes us stronger.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving with all of your family!

Much Love

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Saturday, November 10, 2012

So hey.. its Saturday!

Hello Again

So its Saturday night at around 8:50 ish.. I say ish because its not exactly 850 as I type this and by the time I'm finished it will be after.. so we are going with the ish... Any who.. I was trying to make this a daily blog, but lets be honest my life is not that interesting. And not only that there isn't much that happens daily. besides the usual woke up, worked, had meals, breathed fresh air, went to bed. Rinse and Repeat. so that being said I am thinking this is going to become a weekly blog because its just easier to wrap everything up Saturday night when we are just relaxing and I'm surfing the internet and B is getting his weekendly dose of football and or video games in. 

Okay there I said all that business time to stroll along to something else...

So Thanksgiving is coming up soon.. like within the next two weeks. So we have to finish straigtening up and cleaning the kitchen. And the kitchen entails A LOT of work because i will be cleaning out the fridge and what not. Oh yeah and our dishwasher broke.. no I don't mean my hands..  I mean the appliance. Its horrible we ran it one night and it overflowed all over the floor into the hallway. So we stopped it and cleaned the mess up with my freshly clean towels. Then we decided to try it again hoping we could get the yucky water out of there because it friggin reeks when we open the damn thing. Ha jokes on us it did it again, and again we used my freshly clean towels to clean up the mess.. The dishwasher hates me. Its simple this is the third time it has overflowed, Underflowed? it cam out of the bottom of the door, so leaked is what we'll go with. Makes more sense, so that is what we are dealing with. The in-laws will be here sometime Wednesday A.K.A Thanksgiving- Eve.. so that is our end date to get everything done that needs done.

On top of the dishwasher hating me my car decided it wasn't into the mood to like me either and the transmission is going. Do you know how much that sucks?!?!?! It sucks A LOT. Today as I was driving on a fairly busy street, the car decided it was done accelerating. and I coasted into a turn lane came to a complete stop then it was like okay I'll go again...R U D E . I was so pissed B kept telling me to relax there really isn't anything we can do about it right now. And hes right, but don't tell him I said that. There really is nothing we can do about it. I just put new fluid in the damn thing, and the car is old enough to know that its not worth getting a new transmission. So that is just friggin peachy right now! The last thing we need is to be a one car household. I don't like driving his truck but I will have to if I don't have a car.

But with it being close to the holidays I am greatful for everything we have and everything we have yet to receive. 

Good things are going to be coming, especially to those who wait...

Have a great weekend, and a wonderful Veterans Day tomorrow. Thank the Vet's in your life for protecting us!

Talk soon
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Youre all over there like " I love Obama, I love Romney" and Im over here like " I like naps!"

Hello Everyone!!

So its Tuesday November 6th 2012, also known as Election Day! I have a favorite, I am not going to say who it is because I was raised not to talk Politics, and I miss the deadline to order my absentee ballot for PA, so either way I cant complain about who is elected. But I do have a party I am rooting for! It is nerve racking watching the numbers change and go back and forth... Its gonna be the death of me tonight! 

Moving on today was not too special, we have been finishing up the cleaning that needs done around the house. I worked, and I watched my daily YouTube videos. I have my favorites.. Lately I have had baby temperature. Not exactly fever but I keep telling B i wanna have a baby soon. Not in like 9 months but not in 10 years either within the next 5 or so years. So the ones I have been watching are Jennifer her YouTube name is JPSUESS, she has 5 boys and I just love her videos. she is so upbeat and positive! I love her videos. The next one I have been watching daily is Courtney and her YouTube name is GnCBishiop and she is expecting baby bishop #2. She is my age and has a handsome little boy, again she is super upbeat and the videos are cute to watch. The next one is Jessica and her YouTube name is GabeandJesss she just had twins not too long ago, and has a daughter. And I just came across Lora and her YouTube name is LoraandLayton and she is pregnant with baby #3 and her boys are cute. She reminds me most of myself. But those girls are just fun to watch and it almost feels like we as viewers know them. 

I started watching these YouTube videos because a girl I used to be friends with made them, and It was pretty interesting to see how much she has changed. She talks so different. Almost like she wants people to think she is highly educated.. But anyway that is how I found all these other ladies. I hope when B and I decide it is the right time to start a family ( after we are married of course) they are around and I can share my journey with them... Anyway...

That is pretty much all that has been going on.. Nothing fun and new here.. the same old 

Have a great Election nigh

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday, Monday... Not so fun day!

Well Hello There!

So, the past two days have been Crazay!! Yesterday Sunday (11/4/12) was daylights savings, as if that doesn't mess up your system we added cramping and soreness from the past few days on top of it.. But we got A LOT done. We cleaned and rearranged our room. It looks really good. One thing I wanted was that when you came upstairs you weren't looking at our bed because I don't make the bed everyday. Its usually just getting up and starting our day. I not June Cleaver here... ha! So anyway, we cleaned the room I found a new craft to make and I cant wait!!!! Its for over our bed, its going to be three canvases and on one of them it will say My Love, the second will say My Friend and the third will say My Soulmate. I thought it would be cute, and I found it as vinyl sticker. But this way we can take it with us where ever we move to. So thats pretty cool.

After we finished upstairs we started to tackle down stairs. We did laundry, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the living room, B changed light bulbs it was a long day. So now we have a few more loads of laundry left. I hate laundry I really do. If there was a way for it to fold and put its self away then I'd love it. I don't mind putting it in the washer and then switching it. But that last part the folding DRIVES ME INSANE!! I cant stand that part. I think what makes it worse is that we have TOO MANY clothes. Way too many and B has more than I do. Which is just insane. But then again I hate clothes shopping so it does make sense. We set up some stuff for Thanksgiving so that's helpful one less thing to do later in the week. All we have left to do is the floors, office and bathrooms. I have 3 that I have to clean somehow I get the honor of doing it. But ah well its needed considering we will be having guests and the one bathroom is only used when B shaves because the counter is bigger. So thats fun...

Tomorrow is insanity again, Today was a struggle I was hurting but I didn't quit I was digging deep and sticking with it. It was a tough one too, we did pure cardio, which if you haven't done INSANITY is jogging, jumping, push ups, push up jacks,and just a bunch of craziness that is straight for like 30 mins you break if you're gonna die but there aren't any like water brakes. Thennnnnn we had 15 mins of Cardio abs. Which is amazing!!! It totally works the abdominal muscles. some of the stuff sucks like for one my arms are not long enough to reach in front of my glutes in the position that we have to sit so I make it work. 

But all in all we have had a good Monday, work, cleaning and the usual weekday life. 

Hope you had a great Monday!

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Saturday, November 3, 2012


Hey Everyone!

So today we went to the Greek Food Festival, it was interesting. I am not a fan of foods that is different or super new. But I was a trooper B bought me a Gyro (yee-ro). and after we got a new one because mine came with a hair in it.. and no I didn't win a prize. I tried it and it wasn't bad. I ate most of it and gave the last few bites to B. So we walked around there wasn't much to see at all. maybe 3 or 4 booths with stuff to look at and that sums it up. B bought me a necklace because he loves me. Its cute has two wings and a heart. I have a thing for the wings on necklaces. 

After we left the Greek Festival we decided to do Shopping!!! D took us out close to Thomasville, GA. We had a good day, got a wreath hanger, walked around about 7 stores. Then the highlight of the whole day. We drove up to the Florida/Georgia boarder. I was so excited I pulled an "Walk to Remember" moment and   took a picture in two places at once.. yes I am that nerd.

So since we were out and about all day we didn't get to finish INSANITY today. That will have to be tomorrow.. I'm okay with that... for one my feet hurt, second I'm sooo sleepy, and C.) its kinda late right now. and 4.) we have to figure out dinner.

So that's a little update on our lives. Im sure there is something else that could go in here and make a nice long blog. But i cant remember just at this second what I want to tell you...ha

Have a great weekend!
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Friday, November 2, 2012

Its Friday!!

Hey everyone!!

So its Friday November 2, 2012 and I decided last night that I was going to be proactive with Christmas gifts since I am making a majority of them. I already have one done just need to frame it and the second is just about finished need some more info and then the frame. Thank god for Pinterest or I would be so helpless for Christmas this year.

I am also going to start on a few wreaths for our front door as well as decorations in the house. And they will also be christmas gifts. I am so extreamly happy that i decided on doing crafts for gifts. It is something that no one else has. It is original, and personal. That is the main reason I like it. 

I am also going to make two fleece no sew tag blankets. Sounds pretty hard but I watched a couple tutorials on YouTube( shocker right) and it seems pretty easy so that is another gift that is going to be made. I thought of a pretty good idea, taking a plate and or a picture frame( bugger than 8 x 10) and personalizing it as a decoration for the house. That one is going to take a little bit and a lot of paint...ha

So last night was a bummer of a night all because of a TV show, I am a huge Greys fan! Huge its bad news, and we decided that right after the new season started to already have two weeks where we have to wait for a new episode. One week was because of the Debate, and the second was because of the CMA awards. Now the older I get the more I dont understand award shows. If it is the Emmy's or Oscar's we all know the winners, what show or movie is doing really good? They are the winners. The CMA's and Grammy's are for music artists, people who have HITS on the radio. This award show is to pat them on the back for doing their job?!?!?!?!?! Why would I watch this? Is anyone going to come pat me on the back and give me an award for cleaning my house and or doing the dishes and laundry? NO. Its a mess...

So tomorrow ends week 3 of Insanity, I cant wait!!!!!

Have a good one
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Thursday, November 1, 2012

Its November!


So last night was Halloween, and we didn't get a single stinking trick-or-treater. I'm so mad about that. It just didn't feel like Halloween. I have been giving out candy for 9 years and now NOTHING. I hate living in a college town. Called the family and Ry and Laci were able to go out as a Zombie and Rapunzel. They are going to go to a neighborhood thing on Saturday because of Hurricane Sandy. So that's always fun. We hung out here and watched Children of the Corn. Not very scary but def made me jump a few times. Then B went to work and I worked and did house work... aahh the joys of being a housewife. So around 1130 B got home we finished Children of the Corn. Then watched Godsend.... after 3 am rolled around we decided to go to bed. 

Yeah so glamorous isn't it. Its okay but don't be jealous...

So now that it is November officially we have a ton that we have to do before Turkey Day. 

Saturday we are going to go the Greek Festival up here with B and our friend. Should be fun, even though I'm not Greek and don't really enjoy the food it will be nice to learn about the culture. Other then that we just have cleaning that has been put off for um forever to do, Rearranging our bedroom. That kind of stuff.

We are almost done week 3 of INSANITY, and it is legit insane.. but totally worth it.. by the time Thanksgiving comes around we will be about week 1 into month 2, only issue is I do not like to workout in front of people, that's why I got rid of my gym membership. So we will have to figure that out...

Well now its off to start working for the day, with a nice cup of coffee. The joys of working from home! 

Have a Great day! 

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Wednesday, October 31, 2012

To blog or not to blog... that is the question

Hi All!!
This is my first official blog. I have been told about a million and ten times that i should start a blog. I took that advice and started it on Halloween of all days.

Just a few things about me

Lets start off with hmmm, 15 things about me that you don't know because I just started this silly thing...

1.) I am a winter baby through and through... I was born in January, I love the snow and hate the heat! Bring on the cold

2.) I have two brothers and one sister, two of which are 15 + years younger than me. 

3.) I live in Florida...again. I am from Philadelphia, PA.(insert cheesesteak questions here.. for the record Chubby's not Pats or Genos!)

4.) I have known my Boyfriend for about 7 1/2 years, and we started dating almost 2 years ago... we are that couple you read about.. its gross. ha!

5.) I am a TERRIBLE speller, if it wasn't for spell check I would die. Legit!

6.) My favorite holiday is Christmas EVE... now I know that doesn't count as a holiday. But in my family its the night we all get together, lots of memories, laughs.. booze... and its my favorite so don't knock it. 

7.) I watch YouTUBE channels like its my job.. but its not

8.) I work form home and I love my job as a medical biller and Licensed Insurance agent.. what up.. I hate barley leaving the house because there isn't much to do in our town. 

9.) I am a Momma's girl. Never had that bond with my dad, honestly don't want it. My mom is like my best friend.

10.) I have a sick obsession with trivia, I love to know anything and everything i can about someone or something...

11.) Like I said I'm from Philadelphia and I LOVE that place!

12.) I'm a huge Phillies fan. You can talk trash about the eagles and flyers but be nice about the Phillies or I will rip off your face.

13.) Absolute favorite show in the entire world is I Love Lucy, its funny and its   just that darn good. Check out a few episodes if you dont laugh, then you have no soul!

14.) I can't Cook, I can heat stuff up on the stove and I can bake but do not ask me to cook a meal, or you'll be ordering pizza after I ruin the meal

15.) I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, once they lose the trust then they are pretty much done for. I will be nice and civil but its gonna take a while to get you back on my good side.

So there you have it, 15 things that just made your life a little bit better. I have been thinking about doing one of these for a while. And been waiting and waiting to do it. Woke up this morning and decided it was time. If someone stumbles across it WELCOME TO THE INSANITY!!! if not then.. well i don't have a message for someone that wont read this so... moving on... Guess its a place to go to every day or so and jot down what has been going on, this way we can remember years from now that on Halloween 2012 I started telling the world about our lives and so far I'm loving it!!

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