Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Wedding DIY...

...Signature board.

We were going to go with a board from peachwick, it was burlap with a tree. Now our theme is rustic country so I though that would be perfect. However after thinking about it we decided on something a little more us. I am very into monograms especially with my new initials. I can't wait to have a ton of "G" stuff. This is what I am thinking for our wall with our signature board. Surrounded by our wedding pictures and  pictures of our family. I love pictures

I purchased a wood letter G from the A.C. Moore. From there I also bought Navy Blue paint.Now i consider myself pretty crafty which is why i thought this would be a good idea.

Boy was I RIGHT. I absolutely love our signature board,of course the first thing i did was paint the wood navy blue. It only took one coat to cover the letter to the shade I wanted,.

(Photo from pinterest)

I let the blue dry and then I had burlap ad lace trim left over from our save the dates. So I used that to cover the edges.


I cant wait for everyone to sign it. It is going to look so good.

We only have 24 days left!!

Until Next Time
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Monday, September 28, 2015

Weaning my toddler...

... is hard.

Let me stop right here, before I go any further. This is MY decision. It is what was best for me and my family. In no way do I think that I am superior because I nursed. Actually there were times I envied moms that bottle fed. For ME nursing was hard, it wasn't a field trip. I just wanted to let it be known. Your decision on how you feed your baby is amazing. Whether it be bottle, breast or supplementing both. You are doing a great job mom, keep it up!

My little nursling just turned one on Friday, September 25, 2015. Now, I never thought that we would have made it this far nursing. Magoo and I have more than surpassed my thoughts of how long we would be nursing. He doesn't nurse all the time. Just in the mornings when he first wakes up. Most of the time its the comfort.  Because when we get into the kitchen he has milk.

I am trying, albeit not the most effective. But trying nonetheless, I said to everyone by the time he is one, thats it were done. But the reality is I enjoy the time with him. Mimi(my mom) and Daddy and uncle beard and Nana and papa can all dress him, change him, give him big boy food. But only I can nurse him and give him his milk, That time is for me and him. I work 40 hours a week. I love the quality time I get with him.

All that said, it makes me sad to stop nursing, because that quality time of just magoo and I will go
away. But it will be replaced by better things. Now comes the work on my end the weaning part. Im not sure even how to start. I need help with it. That is where i struggle the most. The idea of getting out of bed at 4 am to get milk (once in a while) does not sound like a good time.

So I guess I have to start looking at ways to wean from that last nursing session. As sad as it makes me. Its time for our family to stop nursing. I cant take the biting anymore!

Any advise? I'd love to hear it

As always, until next time....
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Friday, September 25, 2015

To my son...

... On your first birthday!

Happy Birthday My Sweet boy,

I just peeked in on you in your bed. Your little eyes are shut tight and you are in dreamland.  I want to thank you. Before you came into your fathers and my life we didn't really have much purpose. Of course we love each other there is no question about that. But  once you came along we had a purpose. We are your parents, we were chosen. You picked us, and we are better people because of you. Magoo you are our first born and today on your first birthday I'm overcome with emotions. You and I have experienced so much together in such a short time. Some things I missed out on, like your first word. But I was there the first time you cried, and I was there for your first step, and the first time you crawled.

You have brought so much joy into my life I can't even explain it. One day when I am old you will understand how much you can love someone unconditionally. It is the best! I promise you that.. Mimi  told me how much I would love you. But she never told me how consuming it is to love your kids. You are on my mind from the moment I wake up until I go to bed. I miss you even when you are in the other room napping.

I remember or first time together alone. Just you and me in the hospital. I watched you sleep. I was amazed that I was able to bring someone so wonderful into the world. You have changed my world. Now it is full of giggles and hugs and kisses. Will strive to give you the life you deserve. With a puppy and a brother or sister (one day, maybe when you are 4. Deal?) and I can guarantee that you will have plenty of hugs and giggles and kisses.

Today we celebrate you. Wonderful  you.  The little Magoo that came into our lives when we needed you the most. And you are the best thing I have ever done in my entire life. I know you were in heaven with my angels before you  came to meet me. I will help you to know about them, they were wonderful people!

Magoo, today you are a whole year older. You will teach me more things than. I ever thought I would know. I cant wait to see what life brings you.

I loved you  then, love you still. Always have always will.

Happy Fist birthday Magoo!

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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Wedding planning is a breeze....

....With a little elbow grease, glue sticks and patience. Praise Zeus we are almost done with the glue sticks. my fingers cant handle any more

Our Wedding:
When : October 24,2015
Time:3:00 pm
Location: Pennsylvania
Season: Autumn
Theme: Country Rustic
Colors: Navy Blue, Champagne, Burlap and Lace.

There you have the basics, now for this chapter in Wedding Wednesday I wanted to show you what we are making. I will try my very best to include what we are using for each  and the approximate time it took us for them. I am not a professional and My camera is still in a box. However, we will make this work. I promise.

The first thing that is being made are the Center Pieces:

 We went to the dollar store and got 18 glass vases. and 36 stemless wine glasses. My mom is having trees and bushes removed from her yard so the sticks were free. The burlap is used to adhere to the vase. First we glued the burlap to the vase, from there we had the task to glue the sticks to the burlap. As we glued the stick the burlap also stuck to the glass securing it tighter.  Once the sticks were glued around the entire vase they were done. They are going to have a light up branch inside (they were given to me from a friend, Not sure where she got them from. I will find out and update)

Final look:

There are two stemless wine glasses that go on the sides of the vases. They are for the softer feminine look. Inside the glass will be a led candle. 

For the side glasses we also got them from the dollar store. We got the lace from A.C Moore (it was $1.00. Couldn't beat that!)

Very simple to make, cut the lace to fit around the middle of the glass. Once you have the piece cut glue it on. I put the glue directly on the lace and attached that way. 

Finished look:

Together they look amazing....

I absolutely can not wait for our wedding. It is going to be a great day. We are 31 days away!!!(I just peed a little) Its getting so real now. (And I'm so nervous, but I don't know why!)

If you have any questions please leave them below

As Always, Until Next Time...

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Monday, September 21, 2015

I'm a Mom....

...And its the the best job I have ever had.

I have posted about Magoo a few times here already, and I realized that I have never shared my birth story. So for this thrilling edition of Mommy Monday I will share it for you all. Some of you that read this know the story, Most of you don't, so get comfortable, this could take a while.

January 14, 2014 9:00ish (I don't remember the exact time but it was def in the 9 pm hour) PM

Bret and I were in the car and I said to him, I think I might be pregnant. Now I guess I should admit here that I had the worry every month that I was pregnant. I am paranoid. I'll admit it. He laughed it off and said then take a test. Now because of my paranoia I had tests just kinda hanging out. I told Bret its late and it will most likely be negative. They are always negative. plus its not morning pee which is always best when you are early pregnant has a higher HCG hormone level.

Well we got back our apartment and as luck would have it I had to pee. So I went into the bathroom and took the test. It was the longest 3 minutes of my life. I went back into the bathroom and looked at the test "Babe" I called Bret and then went " I think I'm going to vomit". He yelled back " don't mess with me" I said " I am not kidding, come here". Now we had a little bathroom with just enough room for one person at a time. i was leaning on the sink dry heaving. Bret looked at the test and went "okay cool" I looked at him "That's it, that's all you have to say. We are having a baby" He looked at me dead serious and said, " do you want me to be freaking out or something". "Yes join me wont you" I answered. I went to the living room and it said out loud a few times " we are going to have a baby, our lives will never be the same again."

Friday January 17,2014 (my 24th birthday)
We had just gotten done dinner and I said to Bret, I need to tell my mom. I cant keep it from her anymore. So i called my mom, and I bawled my eyes out. Her reaction was laughing. she thought i was kidding. Then I showed her the test on FaceTime. and it was real. I was going to be a mom. I was scared. I am still scared but I am kicking ass at it.

I saw this face for the first time and I was absolutely in love with my little Nugget.

He was so perfect even then. 

I didnt have a terrible pregnancy. I had to take the glucose test 3 times. It was horrible but I passed and that was a positive. I also had gallstones. If you have ever had gallstones throughout pregnancy, GIRL I know what you are going through, It is worth it once you have that baby in your arms. 
I was put on bed rest at 37 weeks. I worked in a call center for insurance and sat all day with no way to elevate my feet. I left work one Friday, and my socks were cutting off circulation. It was bad news. Bed rest was boring, but what we needed to keep Magoo cooking.

I was scheduled for my induction on September 25,2014. My mom was flying in that morning and with the swelling and high blood pressure they didn't want me to wait any longer, My Due date was September 26,2014. So at 5 am on September 25,2014 we got up i got dressed and we were off to have a baby 
So dark, but packed to the 9s
Everything was going really well, induction started at 6, water broken at 8, epidural (Yes I got one, no I don't feel bad about it. kindly respect that) at 12. Things were moving along smoothly. Mom was on her way from Tampa at this point everything was good. Around 3 my nurses ( I wish i could remember their names, I know one was Ruby.) said lets start pushing, in walked Mimi. I had two great coaches. Bret was right there the whole time he was great. When he took a break mom was there to keep me going. I wasnt resting much between contractions so I had oxygen. Magoo was doing great. The could see the head.

Fast forward 5 hours and multiple positions to push (while having an epidural. yep, I am a rock star) They said that he was face up and stuck, Around 7 I told them he wasn't coming "Come on baby big head we can do it" I kept saying. But I knew it wasn't going to happen. Bret was given something to eat. (thanks mom for getting the nurses to give him food) . 

I don't remember much after that. My epidural ran out and I was "making animal noises". It ran out at 8, they took me back at 9:20. I know they gave me some kind of pain medicine. Oxygen was the best thing ever invented, and the nurse was my best friend. I remember being wheeled into the OR, and getting the spinal block. Arguing with the anesthesiologist that I couldn't breathe and then I fell asleep. Next thing I knew they were saying "Lets get ready for a baby" And Bret was there.

I listened and listened. Then I heard it. The most precious sound in the entire world. I heard my son cry for the first time. Sitting here typing about it I'm welling up. It was the best moment of my life. suddenly there was another person in the room but no one opened the door.Bret was there He told me he was proud of me we did it, we had our son. And he was perfect.

 At 10:15 pm on Thursday September 25,2014 I became a mom. It has been the most rewarding and exhausting job I have and will ever have. On Friday this little nugget will turn one. I cant believe how fast this year has gone.I swear, he was just born, and now he is running around and laughing. Telling us all Ah Ah Ah while wagging his little finger and giving bear hugs.

Happy Birthday Baby Boy. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you. Thank you for making me a mommy.

Until Next time....
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Sunday, September 20, 2015

Just be positive....

I have finally decided on a schedule, not for my life because that would be way too organized. But for this little hobby of mine. Now the trick is keeping the schedule. I have no idea why that seems to be difficult, its really not that hard. However I always find a way to not do it. Such a slacker.

I'm not even sure what I want to post about. I have like 18 different ideas rolling around in my noggin. None of them seem to be interesting enough to blog about. "A bunch of words about nothing" to quote my brother. With my terrible grammar I'm surprised anyone even reads this thing.  I guess that's what I want to write about, right now you are my diary. This isn't going to be a humorous post. I'm not feeling it, I haven't been in a very joking mood since I don't know. Probably Wednesday.

Yep, extremely appropriate.

Bret asked me today, whats wrong? Its not something that I can explain. I guess easiest way to explain it. I'm Tired. Its that simple. I'm tired of everything... I'm tired of negativity, silence and digs. Just let me be. Leave me alone. I am in a does not play well with others kind of mood. And that doesn't even mean that I am going to explode. It means the opposite. I want to just be alone. Sitting outside by myself for a while, or taking a walk. 

Is it because Magoo is turning one (I cant even)  possibly, it could also be PMS. I have so much to do its probably just the stress. I don't handle stress well. The things that are coming to my plate right now, aren't even things that I need to worry about. I'm a little busy.

I had three paragraphs typed out and then I  began to feel as though this is just a bitch fest... probably is. But its not anything that I can say out loud without being called a bitch, or a crybaby, or a Bridezilla. Not that any of those names aren't apt at the moment. They probably are all absolutely correct. I don't know, how do you explain to someone that you are tired of getting unsolicited comments and opinions. Or  questions that have been answered 3 or 4 times already and that you are on the verge of just crying because you don't know how else to get it all out. So you remain mostly silent because its just easier than dealing with the outcome.

Its jut not that easy for me to do that. Its easier to keep it all in. Withdraw and deal with my crap on my own.Its not like Im asking for much right now. Just support. That's it. Positive support. Stop all the negativity. I get it being negative and picking at other people make one feel better with situations they are dealing with. But, god damn just let it go. You will feel better, I promise!

Just be positive....

 I feel better, well a little anyway... Hopefully I can change my outlook by Friday. My baby boy is turning one, He is absolutely the best thing that I have ever done in my life...

Until Next Time....
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Friday, September 18, 2015

Because the sun is shining...

... It really is a great day.

I was talking to my best friend and asked her, what should I blog about today, i need inspiration. she said you're getting married, blog about that. That is what Wednesday is for. So i decided to blog about how i am grateful.

I am grateful first and foremost that I woke up this morning. Because lets be honest. Thats always a sign of a great day. The sun was shining, my son was laughing and we had a few minutes to hang out... maybe i kept repeating, no, dnt do that. look its George. stop kicking me. just snuggle me. LET ME LOVE YOU. but it was our time.

I am grateful that my son is home with his dad during the day. I never went to daycare. I had the luck to be home with my mom and mam when i was little. I didn't need daycare. I am grateful that our schedules work out so that Magoo is home with daddy. Amd i am SUPER grateful that he has a daddy that is a really good daddy.

We have family around us. we have a lot of love and laughter surrounding us all the time. What more is there that one can ask for. I am so grateful that we had the opportunity to make this move and have a new start together.

I am going to marry my best friend, my rock and the only person that understands me by a look on my face. I am grateful that I found him 10 years ago

I am just happy to be where I am in my life, with my family and friends. Its good to every once in a while to step back and look at what you have. It could be worse, we are very lucky to be where we are.

Until next time...

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Thursday, September 17, 2015

This Thursday is acting like a Monday...

... What a bitch!

Lets start off  by saying i washed my hair three times this morning, once with body wash... That is how this Thursday is treating me... okay we can move on now....

As you all know I have stated several times and again once more. I am REALLY terrible at this whole blog thing. I have really REALLY good intentions though. So that has to count for something. 

Things have been absolutely insane for the last 2 months, but its all good because i am going to give a quick rundown... ready... Set... GO!!

We Moved!! yep we are back in the Keystone state, presently at 10:07 pm it is 64 degrees outside, I am siting in my moms Kitchen with the windows open. Its really nice even if there is a nuclear plant like 5 miles away. But we dont talk about that... lol It has been really nice to be back in PA, we have already seen a ton of people and B and Magoo are going to experience FALL I am over the moon excited for that. I will have to tell you all about the terrible wonderful experiences we all had with the drive north. I don't think it is a road trip we will forget ever  anytime soon. 

Secondly, we are still getting married... i know we have been engaged for like the last 10 years right? it certainty feels that way... good news the wedding is coming up.. even better new?!!? its in like 36 days!!! That's right, in just 37 days I will be a wife (lord help him!) Its all coming together, invitations have been sent, dress is being altered, suits ordered. Just gotta finish the center pieces ( i will hopefully have a post about them)

listen again i have really good intentions but i have an ALMOST ONE YEAR OLD!

let me say that again... He is ALMOST ONE!!!!

Yes, Magoo will be turning one in like a week. I cant even begin to talk about this, I'm not ready, hes too old and i need more time. 

Okay I need to stop or else i will be in the fetal position over on the other side of the kitchen and we just don't need that kind of melt down right now 

I know once again i left you with a lot to take in, and you are totes magotes welcome ;)

Until next time...

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