Monday, September 28, 2015

Weaning my toddler...

... is hard.

Let me stop right here, before I go any further. This is MY decision. It is what was best for me and my family. In no way do I think that I am superior because I nursed. Actually there were times I envied moms that bottle fed. For ME nursing was hard, it wasn't a field trip. I just wanted to let it be known. Your decision on how you feed your baby is amazing. Whether it be bottle, breast or supplementing both. You are doing a great job mom, keep it up!

My little nursling just turned one on Friday, September 25, 2015. Now, I never thought that we would have made it this far nursing. Magoo and I have more than surpassed my thoughts of how long we would be nursing. He doesn't nurse all the time. Just in the mornings when he first wakes up. Most of the time its the comfort.  Because when we get into the kitchen he has milk.

I am trying, albeit not the most effective. But trying nonetheless, I said to everyone by the time he is one, thats it were done. But the reality is I enjoy the time with him. Mimi(my mom) and Daddy and uncle beard and Nana and papa can all dress him, change him, give him big boy food. But only I can nurse him and give him his milk, That time is for me and him. I work 40 hours a week. I love the quality time I get with him.

All that said, it makes me sad to stop nursing, because that quality time of just magoo and I will go
away. But it will be replaced by better things. Now comes the work on my end the weaning part. Im not sure even how to start. I need help with it. That is where i struggle the most. The idea of getting out of bed at 4 am to get milk (once in a while) does not sound like a good time.

So I guess I have to start looking at ways to wean from that last nursing session. As sad as it makes me. Its time for our family to stop nursing. I cant take the biting anymore!

Any advise? I'd love to hear it

As always, until next time....
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