Let me stop right here, before I go any further. This is MY decision. It is what was best for me and my family. In no way do I think that I am superior because I nursed. Actually there were times I envied moms that bottle fed. For ME nursing was hard, it wasn't a field trip. I just wanted to let it be known. Your decision on how you feed your baby is amazing. Whether it be bottle, breast or supplementing both. You are doing a great job mom, keep it up!

I am trying, albeit not the most effective. But trying nonetheless, I said to everyone by the time he is one, thats it were done. But the reality is I enjoy the time with him. Mimi(my mom) and Daddy and uncle beard and Nana and papa can all dress him, change him, give him big boy food. But only I can nurse him and give him his milk, That time is for me and him. I work 40 hours a week. I love the quality time I get with him.
All that said, it makes me sad to stop nursing, because that quality time of just magoo and I will go
away. But it will be replaced by better things. Now comes the work on my end the weaning part. Im not sure even how to start. I need help with it. That is where i struggle the most. The idea of getting out of bed at 4 am to get milk (once in a while) does not sound like a good time.
So I guess I have to start looking at ways to wean from that last nursing session. As sad as it makes me. Its time for our family to stop nursing. I cant take the biting anymore!
Any advise? I'd love to hear it
As always, until next time....
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